All you need to know about Acid Reflux

Escrito por: Dr George Goodchild
Publicado: | Actualizado: 29/08/2024
Editado por: Karolyn Judge

Here to answer some of the most frequently-asked questions about Acid Reflux is leading consultant gastroenterologist Dr George Goodchild.

Young man who has acid reflux

What is Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid regurgitates up into the oesophagus (food pipe). 


What symptoms should people look out for?

Symptoms may include burning or pain after eating, heaviness in the upper abdomen, an acidic taste in the mouth, excessive throat clearing or a lump in the back of the throat.


Is an endoscopy required to diagnose Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is usually diagnosed based on history any symptoms and doesn’t necessarily require an endoscopy in young patients. However, in patients over 55 or those with persistent symptoms or other features such as swallowing problems or weight loss, an endoscopy is required to exclude significant or dangerous pathologies such as ulcers and cancer. 


Is there an alternative to endoscopy to diagnose Acid Reflux?

Yes. Barium swallow tests can be used instead. These use X-ray and don't require a camera however they do have limitations and so should be discussed with a specialist. 


How does a gastroenterologist treat Acid Reflux?

Reflux can be treated in a number of ways including through diet, lifestyle, medications and surgery. Each option has different pros and cons and one may be more suitable for some patients than others. Discussion with a specialist would be recommended. 


Is there a permanent solution to Acid Reflux?

Yes. Anti-reflux surgery is highly effective for certain groups of patients and often allows patients to become symptom free off of medications. 




Do you require expert acid reflux treatment? Arrange a consultation with Dr Goodchild via his Top Doctors profile.

Por Dr George Goodchild
Aparato digestivo

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