An insightful comparison between liposuction and tummy tuck

Escrito por: Mr Brian Simons
Editado por: Conor Lynch

Top Doctors recently spoke to highly reputable plastic surgeon, Mr Brian Simons, who, here in our latest article, explains in expert detail how liposuction can improve the appearance of one’s abdominal area whilst also outlining the main benefits of both liposuction and tummy tuck procedures. 

How can liposuction be used to improve the appearance of the abdominal area?

Firstly, there are different types of liposuction procedures, and each type of liposuction is performed to achieve different results. If you want to have a very toned, athletic abdomen, then the best idea would be to go with a water-jet-assisted liposuction or a VASER liposuction. With the VASER liposuction procedure, we can create a 3D or HD sculpture.


How does this compare with surgical abs procedures?

A surgical abs procedure is different from a liposuction procedure, because with the surgical approach to the abdomen, you address the tissue, the skin, and sometimes, the pubic area. You also target the muscles. Surgical abs procedures result in a flatter appearance of the muscles as they are joined more tightly together in surgery when compared to liposuction.


What are the advantages of each type of procedure?

Advantages of liposuction include being able to perform it under sedation or under local or general anaesthetic. Liposuction has a quicker recovery period when compared to, for example, a tummy tuck procedure.


A liposuction operation is, of course, much less invasive, and as a result, the scarring is much less visible. The main advantage of a tummy tuck is the fact that you can take out more tissue.


Are there any disadvantages or limitations of either procedure?

When it comes to limitations of a liposuction, you certainly don’t want to overload the vascular system. There is a limit when it comes to what you can take away when performing a liposuction.


With tummy tuck then, in theory, you can take away quite a bit of tissue, but there is a big risk associated with this.


What advice would you give someone considering undergoing a procedure of this type?

Look for someone who is qualified and someone who thoroughly examines your body, your skin, and your muscles.


Mr Brain Simons is a highly esteemed plastic surgeon who specialises in performing liposuction. If you are considering undergoing it, consult with him today via his Top Doctors profile

Por Mr Brian Simons
Cirugía plástica, estética y reparadora

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