Blepharoplasty eyelid surgery: before and after

Escrito por: Mr Giovanni Ferrando
Publicado: | Actualizado: 22/05/2020
Editado por: Emma McLeod

A blepharoplasty can completely transform the region around the eyes. This procedure is most often desired for its aesthetically pleasing outcome, but it also serves a purpose to those with excess skin that hinders their vision. Mr Giovanni Ferrando, renowned consultant plastic and reconstructive surgeon, demonstrates how this procedure achieves natural-looking results using his own examples.

A woman's eye


What is blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is one of the most common operations in cosmetic surgery. The aim of this procedure is to remove the excess of skin from the upper eyelid, the lower eyelid or both. Also, if there are eye bags present, they are treated at the same time.

Why do people opt for a blepharoplasty?

People undergo the blepharoplasty procedure because of an excess of skin on the upper eyelid (and sometimes the lower eyelid) can result in functional problems of the eye. However, the procedure is most often performed purely for cosmetic reasons: the appearance after the operation is a younger and fresher look.


What considerations should be taken before the procedure?

Before the operation, the surgeon has to consider the entire face while focusing on the area around the eyes: the position of the eyebrows, the elasticity of the lower eyelid, the asymmetry and the shape of the eyes.

How is it performed?

The operation is performed under local anaesthesia with sedation and it takes less than one hour to do the upper eyelid. The same goes for the lower eyelid.


How long until results show and are results permanent?

The result is permanent but, obviously, we cannot halt the ageing process.


Are there alternative treatments that offer similar results?

There are no alternative treatments that offer a similar result. No treatments can remove either an excess of skin or remove the bags.


More before and after examples:






Mr Ferrando is known for his pioneering work in cosmetic and aesthetic surgery. Don’t hesitate to learn more and to get in touch – click here.

Por Mr Giovanni Ferrando
Cirugía plástica, estética y reparadora

El Sr. Giovanni Ferrando es un consultor plástico y cirujano reconstructivo con amplia experiencia en clínicas privadas en Londres e Italia. Es conocido por su trabajo innovador y pionero en el diseño y desarrollo de nuevas técnicas para su uso en cirugía cosmética y estética, y tiene una gran atención a los detalles, siempre tratando de lograr resultados de aspecto natural. Se especializa en todo tipo de cirugía estética, con especial interés en la rinoplastia, la blefaroplastia, el estiramiento facial y el aumento de senos.

Al realizar la cirugía en un paciente, el Sr. Ferrando prefiere tomarse el tiempo para estudiar las proporciones de la cara del paciente, y también conoce bien al paciente para tomar una decisión sobre cuál sería la mejor nariz para el paciente. Él personalmente dibuja un retrato del paciente para ver los resultados deseados, y para usar la misma mano para diseñar el dibujo que realizará la cirugía. Esta parte del proceso es importante para el Sr. Ferrando para garantizar que se obtengan los mejores resultados.

Junto con su práctica clínica, Ferrando dedica tiempo a dar charlas sobre su profesión, y es colaborador habitual de la revista Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal, y actualmente está escribiendo un libro sobre rinoplastia.

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