84 Artículos médicos sobre Reproducción asistida Más de 7589 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

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Reproducción asistida

Infertility: causes, diagnosis, and treatment options

Infertility is an issue that is more common than one would expect, with around 15 per cent of couples worldwide struggling to conceive. Infertility can be due to issues that affect both hopeful mothers and fathers. In this article, a fertility specialist goes over the possible causes of infertility, methods of diagnosis, and treatment options to improve fertility.

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Reproducción asistida

How can AI support IVF treatments?

In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a highly personalised journey, and recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) are offering new hope to individuals and couples seeking to grow their families. AI, a branch of computer science focused on creating systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, is increasingly being used to enhance the precision, efficiency, and success rates of IVF treatments. We speak to a leading fertility specialist who explains how AI is being used to support IVF treatment.

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Redacción de Top Doctors
Reproducción asistida

Genetic disorders: Screening and management

Genetic disorders are conditions caused by abnormalities in a person’s DNA that often arise when both parents carry a mutation in the same gene. While many people carry genes linked to certain disorders without experiencing symptoms, these genes can be passed on to their children. This article underlines the importance of genetic screening, the available tests, and how fertility treatments like IVF can manage genetic risks.

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Redacción de Top Doctors
Reproducción asistida

Transvaginal ultrasound: A key tool in diagnosing endometriosis

If you’ve been experiencing symptoms such as pelvic pain, heavy periods or difficulty conceiving, you might already know these can be signs of endometriosis. Many patients struggle with the effects of this condition, and it can feel frustrating and overwhelming to seek a diagnosis. One of the most effective diagnostic tools is a transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS), a minimally invasive procedure that can provide a clearer picture regarding endometriosis and fertility planning.

The link between lifestyle factors, chronic inflammation, and fertility issues in men and women

Recently, research has shed light on how lifestyle changes impact chronic inflammation, and how this inflammation can disrupt the delicate balance of the reproductive system, affecting fertility in both women and men. Here, Dr Vivienne Hall, distinguished fertility specialist, will explore the link between lifestyle factors, chronic inflammation, and fertility issues, along with the lifestyle and medical interventions that can help improve fertility outcomes.

The GnRH agonist trigger: A revolution in IVF

Treatment In the world of fertility treatments, innovations can change everything. One such innovation is the GnRH agonist (GnRHa) trigger protocol, which has transformed how we approach in vitro fertilisation (IVF), particularly in preventing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) and enhancing reproductive outcomes. Revered consultant senior fertility specialist Dr Anu Chawla provides a guide to this revolutionary IVF treatment.

Understanding your menstrual cycle: A key to enhancing fertility

For those aspiring to conceive, a comprehensive understanding of the menstrual cycle is indispensable. It transcends being a monthly inconvenience, unfolding as a nuanced and intricate process that profoundly influences fertility. From the onset of menstruation to ovulation and beyond, the menstrual cycle orchestrates a sequence of hormonal changes, meticulously preparing the body for the prospect of pregnancy. In her latest online article, Dr Irfana Koita gives us her insights.

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