Más de 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Colorectal cancer: causes, diagnosis, and treatment

As one of the most common cancers to affect both men and women in the UK, it is very important that the signs of colorectal cancer are well known, so those who develop these symptoms can get them seen to immediately for an early diagnosis. Leading Harrogate-based consultant gastroenterologist Dr Ganesh Sivaji highlights what these signs are, what the leading causes of colorectal cancer are, and discusses the treatments available.

An expert guide to Barrett’s oesophagus

Barrett's oesophagus can cause unpleasant acid reflux symptoms, heart burn and chest pain. In this article, leading consultant gastroenterologist Professor Pradeep Bhandari expertly explains how changes to the diet and eating habits can have a positive impact on these symptoms. Additonally, he discusses how patients with Barrett's oesophagus are monitored in the long term.

GORD: An expert answers your burning questions

The risk in developing serious conditions from GORD (acid reflux) such as cancer of the oesophagus is a concerning prospect, particularly as it's becoming more common. Here to offer a comprehensive insight to the condition is leading upper gastrointestinal surgeon Mr Krishna Moorthy. He has put together a two-part article that considers various aspects of GORD. Read part one here.

Colon capsule endoscopy: making the uncomfortable more comfortable

For decades, a colonoscopy has been the gold standard method to have an examination of the large bowel. However, a new technique called a colon capsule endoscopy is revolutionising colonic assessment by being both non invasive and painless. Leading consultant gastroenterologist Dr Amit Chattree provides further detail about what it is and what a patient can expect from the procedure in this article.

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