122 Artículos médicos sobre Médico de cabecera Más de 7440 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

The benefits of platelet-rich plasma therapy: A natural approach to healing and anti-ageing

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is an innovative treatment that has gained widespread recognition for its ability to promote healing and rejuvenation. By using a patient’s own blood, PRP harnesses the natural regenerative properties of platelets to repair damaged tissues, reduce inflammation, and enhance skin and hair health. This minimally invasive therapy is being used across various medical and aesthetic fields, offering a promising alternative to synthetic treatments.

Could your child have sleep apnoea?

Sleep apnoea, though often associated with adults, can also affect children, leading to significant disruptions in their health and daily lives. This condition occurs when a child’s breathing is wholly or partially obstructed during sleep, often resulting in fragmented, poor-quality rest. Sleep apnoea can impact a child's growth, behaviour, and learning abilities if left untreated. Leading GP with a special interest in sleep medicine, Professor Carlos Rivas Echeverria, addresses parents' concerns about sleep apnoea in children.

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