1108 Artículos médicos sobre Traumatología Más de 7996 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Redacción de Top Doctors

Redacción de Top Doctors

Knee injuries: a guide

The knees are the body’s largest joints that are put under a lot of stress daily, meaning that they are particularly susceptible to injury. In this article, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon shares the most common injuries to the knees, and how they can be treated.

Redacción de Top Doctors

Redacción de Top Doctors

ACL injuries: a guide

An ACL injury is one of the most common sports injuries. In this article, a celebrated knee expert and orthopaedic surgeon explains the kinds of ACL injuries and how they can occur.

Redacción de Top Doctors

Redacción de Top Doctors

Hip resurfacing: How long do the results last?

Hip resurfacing is a surgical procedure used to treat hip arthritis, particularly in younger, active patients. Unlike total hip replacement, hip resurfacing preserves more of the natural bone, which can offer advantages in durability and mobility. However, the longevity of the procedure depends on several factors, including patient activity level, implant type, and overall health.

Redacción de Top Doctors

Redacción de Top Doctors

Knee injury prevention in sports

Knee injuries are among the most common challenges faced by athletes, often resulting from the increased strain placed on the knees during sports that involve running, jumping, pivoting, and sudden stops. Understanding how to prevent these injuries is important not only for athletic performance but also long-term health and mobility. This article provides an expert insight into common causes of knee injuries, prevention strategies, and steps to take if you suspect a knee injury.

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