Más de 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Gender reassignment surgery: a comprehensive guide

Gender reassignment surgery, also known as gender affirmation surgery, is a significant step for individuals seeking to align their physical appearance with their gender identity. Leading consultant plastic surgeon Mr Alexander Armstrong explores the various aspects of gender reassignment surgery, from the procedures involved to the potential risks and benefits.

Skin cancer and its prevention: Why visiting a specialist matters

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer worldwide, with millions of cases diagnosed each year. While it can be a frightening diagnosis, the good news is that early detection and treatment significantly increase the chances of successful outcomes. Understanding the importance of visiting a specialist for skin cancer removal and prevention is crucial for safeguarding your health. In this article, distinguished consultant plastic surgeon Mr Nick Pantelides explains why consulting with a plastic surgeon, recognising the signs of skin cancer, and proactive prevention measures are essential.

Understanding facial ageing

As we journey through life, our faces undergo a myriad of transformations. From the subtle changes in skin texture to the more pronounced shifts in facial structure, ageing leaves its indelible mark on our appearance. But what exactly causes these changes, and how can we address them? In her latest online article, Ms Monica Fawzy gives us her insights.

Embracing natural beauty: The scarless lip lift revolution

In the realm of aesthetic procedures, the pursuit of natural beauty has led to innovative techniques that redefine traditional approaches. One such advancement that only few experts globally can offer is the ‘Scarless’ lip lift. Unlike conventional methods that leave visible marks, this procedure promises subtle yet transformative results without the telltale signs of surgery. In his latest online article, Mr George Christopoulos delves into the intricacies of this cutting-edge technique and explores how it's reshaping the landscape of a natural lip augmentation.

An insight into body contouring

Embarking on the path of body contouring is a significant decision that many individuals contemplate for various reasons – from achieving a more sculpted appearance to addressing specific areas of concern. Award-winning consultant plastic surgeon Mr Andrej Salibi gives us an insight into the world of body contouring, unveiling its processes and benefits for those considering this transformative journey.

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