Más de 7440 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Coping with cheating and getting back to you

Being cheated on can leave you in a mentally desolate place, and may leave you with unanswered questions about coping. You also might wonder if it’s a good idea to get back with the person who cheated, and how this wound doesn't impact a new relationship. Here to address these difficult but important issues, alongside other related topics, is Miss Kiki Iordanidou, leading chartered counselling psychologist in London.

The impact of burnout on relationships

Psychological theory states relationships are essential to human survival. However, it can be difficult to balance them alongside our work - this is when things can lead to burnout. It can have a significant effect on romantic love, friendships or with our family when it occurs, among many other relationships in our lives. Top Doctors speaks to leading chartered psychologist Dr Catherine Sykes all about burnout, its impact on relationships and what can be done to achieve a more balanced and fulfilling approach.

Work Stress (Part 2): Burnout and Coping Strategies

While stress is common, and can even be helpful in certain occasions, it also causes mental, physical, and emotional strain that affects health and wellbeing. This is an issue for many people at the workplace, especially. In the conclusion of a two-part series on work stress, Dr Nicky Kimber-Rogal offers an expert insight into the health problems that can occur due to stress, the link between stress and burnout, and the effective management of work stress.

Work Stress (Part 1): Personal life and Productivity

While stress is common, and can even be helpful in certain occasions, it also causes mental, physical, and emotional strain that affects health and wellbeing. This is an issue for many people at the workplace, especially. In the first part of a two-part series on work stress, Dr Kimber-Rogal offers an expert insight into the effects of stress on one’s personal and professional life.

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