Más de 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Blood in my urine (haematuria): Should I be worried?

If you've ever seen blood in your urine, you may be worried. Blood in urine, also called haematuria, can sometimes be a sign of a serious medical condition. In his latest online article, renowned consultant urological surgeon Mr Ivo Dukic explores what haematuria is, its possible causes, its seriousness, treatment options, and when you should seek medical attention.

Understanding benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

An enlarged prostate, medically known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), is a condition that affects a significant number of men, especially as they age. In his latest online article, Mr Edward Calleja gives us his insights into enlarged prostate. He talks about the common symptoms, diagnosis and tests, treatment options, risk factors and lifestyle changes or natural remedies that can relieve symptoms.

Sexual function after RARP: part 2

There are numerous different ways in which men can try to maintain their sexual function following RARP. There are integral components to sexual function, which must be taken into consideration, particularly after robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP surgery). In the second article of a two-part series, esteemed consultant urological and robotic surgeon Mr Benjamin Lamb discusses how men can enhance their sexual function following the surgery.

Artificial urinary sphincter surgery for the relief of urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence refers to the involuntary passage of urine, a common problem that affects up to 3 million people in the UK. If you suffer from severe urinary incontinence, however, the implantation of an artificial urinary sphincter can help to resolve symptoms and improve quality of life. Here, Mr Rowland Rees, renowned consultant urologist and male genito-urethral surgeon, provides an expert insight into artificial urinary sphincter surgery.

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