Cervical cancer screening: what does it mean when CIN is detected?

Escrito por: Mr Angus McIndoe
Editado por: Bronwen Griffiths

Cervical cancer most commonly affects younger women, so it is important to have regular cervical smear tests to ensure that any sign of pre-cancerous cells is dealt with. If abnormalities are detected in a smear test, you may be referred for a colposcopy. This is a test that uses a microscope to closely inspect the cervix. CIN is one such abnormality that a colposcopy can detect. Mr Angus McIndoe, a leading gynaecologist, explains what CIN is and how they can be treated.

What is CIN?

CIN stands for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. It sounds like big long medical words, but it is easy enough to understand if you take it apart. Cervical means it is on the cervix, intra means it is within, epithelial is skin, and neoplasia is cells growing faster than they should be. Therefore, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia just means that there are some cells in the skin of the cervix which are growing a bit faster than they should be.

How is CIN treated?

CIN is graded as low grade or high grade, or CIN 1, 2 and 3. With a low-grade abnormality, which is CIN one, we tend to watch and wait (i.e. we do not treat them at all). With a high-grade abnormality, CIN 2 and 3, what we do is remove them by cutting out the little bit of skin that is abnormal. This can be done in a variety of ways:

  • With loop diathermy, commonly called LLETZ or LEEP.
  • With a needlepoint, which allows you to very precisely cut out just the bit of skin that is abnormal.
  • We can also use laser to remove the abnormality, or many years ago, people used to use a scalpel to cut it out, but very few people do that nowadays.
  • The alternative treatment is an ablation where people use heat treatment to kill the cells that have the CIN.

Hence, we are able to tailor the treatment much more to the individual woman and individual abnormality that they have got. One problem with the ablation method is that you may not know what exactly has been treated, and occasionally, this kind of treatment misses an early cervical cancer. Therefore, most of us feel that excisional techniques are the better option.

Por Mr Angus McIndoe
Ginecología y Obstetricia

El Sr. Angus McIndoe es uno de los principales ginecólogos consultores del Reino Unido con sede en Londres . Después de calificar en Nueva Zelanda en 1980, se mudó a Inglaterra, donde comenzó a trabajar en el Hospital Whittington, obteniendo una valiosa experiencia en entrenamiento quirúrgico. En 1986 comenzó a entrenarse en colposcopia, y ahora es uno de los profesionales más respetados del campo. Es un destacado especialista en oncología ginecológica, que trata cánceres en los órganos reproductivos femeninos, incluidos los cánceres endometrial, ovárico, vulvar, cervical y trompas de Falopio.

Trabajar en algunos de los hospitales y clínicas más prestigiosas de Londres, incluido el Hospital Wellington y el Hospital Hammersmith, le ha ganado una reputación formidable entre sus colegas. Él es particularmente conocido por su habilidad meticulosamente perfeccionada al realizar cirugía pélvica compleja. Su uso de técnicas quirúrgicas robóticas de vanguardia en el tratamiento de tumores benignos y malignos lo coloca a la vanguardia de la obstetricia y la ginecología.

Siempre buscando nuevas e innovadoras formas de mejorar los tratamientos y las técnicas quirúrgicas, su investigación ha incluido la inmunología molecular del VPH y las imágenes en oncología ginecológica. Últimamente ha estado investigando la cicatrización de las cicatrices de la cesárea. Además de dar conferencias y capacitar a cirujanos en toda Europa, también ha publicado extensamente. Su objetivo es brindarles a sus pacientes el mejor servicio posible, manteniéndolos informados y apoyándolos en cada paso del camino.

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