Artículos del centro: Algocells Más de 7589 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Sit back and relax: Treating herniated disc pain

Did you know that people with a herniated disc may experience the frustrating symptom of being unable to sit down? Emerging new pain management methods such as regenerative medicine, thankfully offer relief from this and other painful symptoms of this condition. Highly-skilled consultant in anaesthesia and pain medicine Dr Zbigniew Kirkor speaks to Top Doctors about how herniated disc patients can get back to a previous quality of life through this treatment, and other options, in this informative article.

Expert advice on selecting a regenerative medicine specialist

Regenerative medicine is at the cutting edge of treatment for degenerative conditions and musculoskeletal injuries but advanced specialist expertise is required to administer it correctly. In this expert guide to choosing a regenerative medicine specialist, leading consultant in anaesthesia and pain medicine Dr Martynas Juozaitis outlines the questions patients can ask to ensure their treatment will be both safe and effective.

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