Artículos del centro: ObGyn Matters London Más de 6851 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Your expert guide to diabetes during pregnancy

Diabetes is a chronic condition that occurs either when the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin or when the pancreas produces insulin that the body can’t use. Having diabetes can increase the risk of serious health complications during the course of your pregnancy, and even before becoming pregnant. Ms Vinita Singh, renowned consultant obstetrician, explains more.

Fibroids and endometriosis: what they are and common symptoms

Fibroids and endometriosis are two very common problems that women have during their reproductive years. Fibroids can cause period problems and endometriosis may cause a lot of pain. Together, they may be a very difficult problema. Due to the fact that they are both quite common, they both often appear in the same woman, which often interferes with fertility.

Miscarriage: an insight into the rates and its psychological impact

Miscarriage is a possibility that many individuals may have to face in their lifetime, and can prove to be a very difficult experience for everyone concerned with the pregnancy, especially for the pregnant person. In our latest article, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, Mr Christian Barnick, provides us with an in-depth, expert analysis of miscarriage.

Emergency caesareans: How painful and safe are they?

Understand the categories of emergency caesarean section (C-section) and if pain or safety differs between emergency and non-emergency caesareans. Mr Christian Barnick regularly performs caesareans (both emergency and non-emergency) and he provides you with insight into when emergency caesareans are necessary and what to expect should you need one.

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