Do you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? COPD diagnosis and treatment explained.

Escrito por: Dr Muhammed Raashed
Publicado: | Actualizado: 11/09/2023
Editado por: Laura Burgess

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) is a type of obstructive lung disease, which leads to long-term breathing problems. The main cause of COPD is tobacco smoke, including secondhand smoke. 

Dr Muhammed Raashed is a leading consultant respiratory physician who specialises in treating the disease. Here he explains how the condition is diagnosed and how it can be managed.

What causes COPD and what are the symptoms?

If you are a current or an ex-smoker and you have developed a productive cough, winter bronchitis, wheezing and breathlessness doing things you could do easily in past, you may have developed COPD. 

A chest infection can often cause an exacerbation and people often get numerous chest infections during the winter months (frequent exacerbator) before a diagnosis is established.  

How is the condition diagnosed?

It is important to see a respiratory physician early to establish a diagnosis and exclude any other condition that can give similar symptoms such as asthma, bronchiectasis, lung cancer or pulmonary fibrosis. A GP assessment is often incomplete and non-rewarding.

Diagnosis requires a good history, chest auscultation, a chest X-ray and spirometry. In some cases, a CT scan and full pulmonary function tests may be necessary.

How does the condition progress?

It is extremely important to stop smoking to prevent ongoing loss of lung function resulting in the progression of the disease and a variety of measures and interventions can be advised by a smoking cessation councillor.

Can COPD be cured?

Once developed, COPD has no cure but there are numerous methods of controlling symptoms, delaying progression, preventing frequent exacerbations and improving breathlessness.

How can I manage COPD?

Early pulmonary rehabilitation, weight optimisation and inhalers help improve symptoms. There are a wide variety of inhalers and medications available to choose from.  

An active lifestyle, reducing weight (if obese) and smoking cessation are the cornerstones of lifestyle modifications.
 Diagnosis and treatment of any other co-existent condition are also helpful.

In severe cases, medical or surgical lung volume reduction surgery is now an option as well.


Dr Raashed is an expert in treating persistent cough, asthma, COPD and lung disease. You can book an appointment to see him via his Top Doctor’s profile here for his specialist advice.

Por Dr Muhammed Raashed

El Dr. Muhammed Raashed es un consultor experimentado en medicina respiratoria que es reconocido por su nivel de experiencia, compromiso y dedicación a la atención de alta calidad de los pacientes para afecciones respiratorias. Su lista de especialidades incluye tos persistente , asma , disnea inexplicable, enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) , apnea obstructiva del sueño , terapia de presión positiva continua en las vías respiratorias (CPAP) y enfermedad pulmonar .

Su historial profesional como médico respiratorio ha abarcado más de dos décadas. Después de haber completado completamente sus estudios médicos y capacitación práctica en 1999, el Dr. Raashed comenzó su carrera como consultor.

El Dr. Raashed tiene su sede en Yorkshire. Él trata a sus pacientes privados del Hospital Spire Leeds, la Clínica Yorkshire y la unidad de pacientes privados del hospital General Airedale, donde también es miembro del fideicomiso del NHS.

Tiene un gran interés en mejorar la accesibilidad de la asistencia médica a tantos pacientes como sea posible. Uno de sus muchos logros es el lanzamiento de un servicio de diagnóstico y tratamiento para la apnea obstructiva del sueño mediante una consulta telefónica o de video seguida de un estudio del sueño en el hogar que permite a los pacientes tener acceso desde cualquier lugar.

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