Artículos del doctor: Dr Amit Chattree Más de 7996 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Colon capsule endoscopy: making the uncomfortable more comfortable

For decades, a colonoscopy has been the gold standard method to have an examination of the large bowel. However, a new technique called a colon capsule endoscopy is revolutionising colonic assessment by being both non invasive and painless. Leading consultant gastroenterologist Dr Amit Chattree provides further detail about what it is and what a patient can expect from the procedure in this article.

Video capsule endoscopy: special considerations

Have you ever wondered how even the smallest and narrowest of areas in the intestine can be examined? In this article we found out how a video capsule endoscopy can be used to check the lining of the small intestine and whether problems can occur from this procedure. Leading gastroenterologist, Dr Amit Chattree, talked us through preparation using a patency capsule , potential risks and whether or not the capsule can get stuck inside of the bowel.

When is a capsule endoscopy recommended?

Many people will experience gastrointestinal issues in their lifetime. We spoke to a leading consultant gastroenterologist about video capsule endoscopy, we found out how you should prepare for this procedure and when video capsule endoscopy might be recommended. Top gastroenterologist, Dr Amit Chattree, who is based in Newcastle, talked us through the procedure.

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