Artículos del doctor: Dr Anjani Prasad Más de 7440 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

A guide to respiratory infections

Winter approaches on swift winds which means it’s the perfect time to be prepared for respiratory infections, which affect the throat, sinuses, airways, and lungs. We spoke to a leading consultant pulmonologist to tell us about respiratory tract infections, and how to know when cough syrup won’t be enough.

The importance of having a lung cancer screening

Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Early detection through screening can significantly improve the chances of successful treatment and survival. Here, leading consultant in respiratory and general medicine Dr Anjani Prasad talks about the importance of lung cancer screening, who should consider it, and what the screening process involves.

What are longterm complications COVID-19

It's predicted that similar complications that arose in the survivors of the SARS pandemic will likely develop in COVID-19 survivors too. Although these post-COVID-19 complications aren't clear at the moment, previous data from SARS, the first pandemic of the 21st century, provides us with the foresight to manage these complications and treat patients promptly. Dr Anjani Prasad, one of our top consultants in respiratory and general medicine explains more.

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