Artículos del doctor: Mr Aris Konstantopoulos Más de 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Myopia: A comprehensive guide

In his latest online article, Mr Aris Konstantopoulos gives us his insights into myopia, commonly referred to as short-sightedness. This condition, characterised by blurred distance vision, has garnered attention due to its increasing prevalence, particularly in regions like South East Asia, Europe, and North America. Understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatment options is crucial for effective management.

Laser eye surgery: Two of the most popular procedures explained by an expert

Out of the five senses, vision is the most significant. It not only enables us to make sense of the world around us, but it also enables us to take care of ourselves and be safe. In his latest online article, renowned consultant ophthalmologist Mr Aris Konstantopoulos offers his expert insight into both LASIK and SMILE surgery, two of the most popular types of corrective vision surgery.

Presbyopia: correcting vision without glasses

Presbyopia affects normal vision at close range and develops with time, it usually affects individuals older than 40 years. It is becoming more common as a result of an ageing global population but also because of the increased use of computers, mobile phones and tablets. We spoke with top specialist Mr Aris Konstantopolous to find out what exactly causes Presbyopia and some of the alternatives to glasses.

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