Artículos del doctor: Dr Bhashkar Mukherjee Más de 7440 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Let's get physical with cardio and pulmonary exercise testing

The heart and the lungs have a close relationship that’s not just based on location. Lungs disperse oxygen into the blood, and the heart makes sure that the blood travels around the body, depositing oxygen to all the organs and limbs. When something goes wrong with one, the other may not be too far behind, which is why they can be evaluated conjunctively with cardio and pulmonary exercise testing.

Distinguishing between the respiratory and cardiac causes of breathlessness

Breathlessness, or shortness of breath, is a common symptom experienced by many people and can be caused by various underlying conditions. It is often linked to either respiratory or cardiac issues, both of which impact the body's ability to effectively transport oxygen. Understanding the differences between respiratory and cardiac causes of breathlessness is essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Here to provide a detailed insight is leading consultant physician in respiratory and general (internal) medicine Dr Bhashkar Mukherjee.

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