Artículos del doctor: Professor Chris Nutting Más de 7440 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

HPV: why vaccination is vital

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is an extremely common virus that the majority of us will be exposed to at one point or another in our lifetime. In our latest article, extremely well-regarded and highly experienced London-based consultant clinical oncologist Professor Chris Nutting, explains how vaccination against HPV works to protect against the virus and its effects.

HPV vaccine for boys: a victory in the battle against cancer

You’ve probably heard of HPV. A highly infectious virus that is particularly dangerous to women, as it is connected to cervical cancer. But did you know that it is also linked to cancer in men? Thankfully, there is a vaccine for HPV and later this year it will be easily accessible for boys through a school-based vaccination program. Professor Chris Nutting is here to explain.

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