Artículos del doctor: Mr Christopher Arthur Bailey Más de 7440 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Ask an expert: Top 5 knee surgeries

Chronic knee pain caused by a sports injury or the development of arthritis can detract greatly from patients' quality of life. Many may benefit from a form of knee surgery to provide relief and improve mobility. In this article, Mr Christopher Bailey, leading orthopaedic surgeon and specialist in joint replacement, outlines the most common surgical procedures performed on the knee and the positive outcomes they can bring for patients.

What range of motion should I be getting after my knee replacement?

Are you on the verge of undergoing a knee replacement surgical operation or are considering the possibility? If so, our latest article contains your all-you-need-to-know guide in relation to how to improve your knee flexion and range of motion following the transformative procedure. On hand to explain what exactly range of motion and flexion of the knee are (and more) is highly esteemed orthopaedic surgeon, Mr Christopher Arthur Bailey.

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