Artículos del doctor: Dr Emily Lord Más de 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Understanding and addressing vulval skin problems

Genital skin problems in women can cause discomfort, pain, and distress. They can also interfere with daily activities, sexual intimacy, and self-esteem. Additionally, untreated infections can lead to complications. Leading consultant in sexual and reproductive health Dr Emily Lord provides a guide to the various types of vulval skin problems, including an explanation of what happens during a clinical examination, and how they can be managed.

Navigating vulvodynia

Vulvodynia, part of vulval pain syndromes, involves enduring exterior vaginal or vulvar pain for over three months, defying clear causes. This enigmatic condition often leads to misdiagnoses like recurrent thrush. In her latest online article, Dr Emily Lord explores its symptoms, causes, diagnostics, and treatment.

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