Artículos del doctor: Mr James Nicholl Más de 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Kienbock’s Disease

Kienbock’s disease occurs when the lunate bone in your hand doesn’t receive enough blood. After reading this article by Mr Nicholl, an orthopaedic surgeon and specialist in hand and wrist surgery, you’ll understand the factors that contribute to the development of Kienbock’s disease, its symptoms and its treatment.

How did I develop arthritis in my wrist?

Arthritis may seem simple, but it’s a complex condition and can develop in many ways. It’s not uncommon, however, for a patient to develop symptoms a long time after they've injured their wrist. Mr James Nicholl, an orthopaedic surgeon based in Tunbridge Wells, explains how trauma can lead to arthritis and the ways in which we can manage this condition.

What can cause a broken wrist?

Fractures of the wrist are one of the most common fractures to occur and they happen in all age groups. There are different bones in the wrist which can be fractured. Mr James Nicholl, a top hand and wrist surgeon, explains what a broken wrist feels like, the different types and how they must be treated.

What is Dupuytren’s disease?

Dupuytren’s disease or Dupuytren’s contracture is sometimes called the ‘Viking disease’ because it is most commonly found in countries which were invaded by the Vikings. It is a common disease affecting the hands, which usually presents itself in middle age or later in life and is more common in men than women. Mr James Nicholl walks us through this condition and how it can be treated.

Treatment for trigger finger

Trigger finger is an awkward condition where the digit gets stuck in a bent position and it is difficult to straighten. As time goes on, the condition only gets worse, unless you get treatment. How do doctors deal with this condition? Leading orthopaedic surgeon Mr James Nicholl is here to provide answers on trigger finger treatment.

What is trigger finger?

Why would your finger get stuck in a bent position? Trigger finger (and trigger thumb) is a real condition affecting the tendons in the hand, which can lead to a rapid decline in the ability to grip and perform basic tasks. Expert orthopaedic surgeon Mr James Nicholl is here to explain.

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