Artículos del doctor: Mr Kieren Darcy Más de 7589 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

How the latest keratoconus treatment can halt progression and correct vision

Keratoconus has a progressive nature, and patients who have this ophthalmological condition can experience issues with quality of focus and vision. Sight can be severely affected when it’s in its late stages, too. Here to explain why it’s important to detect it as soon as possible as well as explain the latest treatment, is Mr Kieren Darcy, a leading consultant eye surgeon and ophthalmologist in Bristol.

The benefits of refractive surgery

Refractive surgery is a term used to encapsulate a group of modern, revolutionary procedures within ophthalmology, giving surgeons the ability to make life altering impacts on their patients lives. But what is it, and how can people benefit from the procedures? To tell us more, leading expert consultant Mr Kieran Darcy has answered questions and explained what we should know.

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