Artículos del doctor: Professor Liz Lightstone Más de 7589 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Protein in urine: what does this indicate?

Proteinuria is a symptom of an underlying health problem in which there are increased levels of protein in the urine. If it is left undetected or untreated, proteinuria can progress to more serious complications. We spoke to Professor Liz Lightstone, one of our top consultant nephrologists operating in London, about this symptom to understand what it means to have it and what underlying health conditions might be causing it.

COVID and kidney disease treatment: how kidney clinics have adapted

Kidney disease patients are facing new challenges due to the coronavirus COVID-19. Kidney clinics are consistently adapting to ensure patient safety is at the heart of all decisions and they are continuing treatment where possible. Professor Liz Lightstone clarifies how the virus affects patients with existing kidney disease, the virus' potential to cause kidney disease, the importance of attending your appointments, the availability of transplants and more.

I have chronic kidney disease (CKD), can I have a baby?

If you have chronic kidney disease (CKD), it can be a difficult decision to decide whether or not to have a child; however medical advances make that decision easier. Consultant nephrologist, Professor Liz Lightstone, who has run an obstetric renal clinic for more than 20 years and considered a world leader in this area, talks through the things to consider when making this decision.

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