Artículos del doctor: Professor M. Dominik Fischer Más de 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Navigating vision loss: Causes, symptoms, and solutions

Vision impairment is a prevalent global issue, with approximately 75% of individuals worldwide relying on some form of visual correction. The impact of vision loss extends beyond mere inconvenience, significantly affecting daily activities and overall quality of life. In his latest online article, Professor M. Dominik Fischer delves into the multifaceted aspects of vision loss, ranging from its causes and symptoms to available treatments and preventive measures.

Cataracts: a quick guide

In the UK, it's approximated that 30% of individuals aged 65 and above have a cataract impacting their vision in one or both eyes. Leading consultant ophthalmic surgeon Professor M. Dominik Fischer explains what cataracts are and common symptoms and why you should choose to undergo cataract surgery with Oxford Medical Group.

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