Artículos del doctor: Mr Matthew Tutton Más de 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

The role of robotic surgery in bowel cancer treatment

Robotic-assisted surgery is a minimally invasive approach to surgery which offers multiple beneficial clinical outcomes. For patients with bowel cancer (also known as colorectal cancer), robotic surgery can help during the excision of the cancerous tissue in the bowel. Here, Mr Matthew Tutton, leading consultant general and colorectal surgeon, provides an expert insight into the function of robotic surgery in bowel cancer treatment.

How and where do hernias form?

How dangerous can hernias be, and is surgery always necessary when it comes to treating them? Find out in our latest article here, as revered consultant general and colorectal surgeon, Mr Matthew Tutton, describes how hernias form, details the main symptoms associated, and reveals how they are typically detected in patients.

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