Artículos del doctor: Mr Michael Thilagarajah Más de 7589 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

What happens during a knee replacement procedure?

Knee replacement surgery may be required for a host of different reasons. In one of our latest articles, find out some of the main reasons why many are deciding to undergo this procedure, as highly esteemed and experienced London-based consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon, Mr Michael Thilagarajah, tells us how long the procedure takes, and what the main post-operative side effects patients could suffer.

When should I consider a hip replacement?

Have you been experiencing hip pain of some sort recently, and are starting to consider when you should think about undergoing hip replacement surgery? If so, this article contains the answers you may have been searching for. Here, revered consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon, Mr Michael Thilagarajah, offers us hsi expert insight in relation to all things hip replacement surgery.

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