Artículos del doctor: Professor Mohamed Imam Más de 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Optimising Rehabilitation After Arm Surgery: Tips for a Quick Recovery (Part 2)

Although arm surgery can significantly impact a patient’s daily life, quick and effective rehabilitation can help minimise this effect. Following on from the first part, Professor Mohamed Imam offers an expert insight into how to overcome the common challenges faced during rehabilitation and how the use of wearable devices can support the recovery process, in this conclusion of a two-part series of articles on rehabilitation after arm surgery.

Optimising Rehabilitation After Arm Surgery: Tips for a Quick Recovery (Part 1)

Although arm surgery can significantly impact a patient’s daily life, quick and effective rehabilitation can help minimise this effect. In the first of a two-part series of articles on rehabilitation after arm surgery, Professor Imam provides a comprehensive insight into what are the most effective ways to optimise rehabilitation after arm surgery and how setting realistic goals can help during the recovery process.

How you can help: complex trauma prevention and first aid

Complex trauma may happen when you least expect it, however, being prepared and knowing what to do is important and can potentially save a life. Following his two other articles on complex trauma and fractures [articles linked], expert consultant orthopaedic surgeon Professor Mohamed Imam provides information and advice to help us better prepare in tough complex trauma situations.

Simplifying the complex: complex bone fractures explained

Bones make up the skeleton of the body. They provide us with the ability to lift our body up against gravity and move around, interacting with our environment. A crack or a break in a bone is a fracture. In this second article of a series on complex trauma, consultant orthopaedic surgeon Professor Mohamed Imam gives a detailed explanation of bone fractures and how they are involved in complex trauma.

What you didn’t know about complex trauma

Trauma is the most common cause of death for individuals aged below 45 years and is the third most common cause of death regardless of age after heart diseases and cancer. There are three different kinds of trauma, one being complex trauma. Expert consultant orthopaedic surgeon Professor Mohamed Imam provides us with a descriptive understanding of what complex trauma is.

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