Artículos del doctor: Dr Moumita Chattopadhyay Más de 7996 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Acne am I cleaning my face enough

While it’s very common in teenagers, acne can be a persistent problem for some adults too. But what causes acne to continue into adulthood? Is it to do with cleanliness and can overcleaning our faces be one of the main problems? Dr Moumita Chattopadhyay, one of our top dermatologist based in Birmingham, explains why acne forms in adults and how many times we should be washing our faces a day.

Genital warts - causes and treatment

Genital warts are caused by the low-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) which is passed on through sexual activity. They are quite common, but arguably many people believe they won’t ever be affected. So, what should you do if you think you could have genital warts and if so, what can you expect? Dr Moumita Chattopadhyay, a highly experienced dermatologist, explains the causes, diagnosis and available treatment options.

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