Artículos del doctor: Mr Nicholas Thomas Más de 7996 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

What is a chordoma?

A tumour is a scary prospect wherever it is on the body, but even more so in an area as sensitive as the nervous system. The spine and skull base are vulnerable to certain cancers. Expert neurosurgeon Mr Nicholas Thomas is here to talk about one rare type – chordoma.

Microdiscectomy: a new treatment for slipped disc

Slipped disc affects approximately 1 in 50 people and can be a serious cause of back pain. Luckily, in the 21st century we have a wide range of ways to treat slipped disc. One of the latest is an innovative procedure called microdiscectomy, which promises an effective surgical solution without causing too much damage to the skin and muscles in your back. We spoke to Mr Nicholas Thomas, a leading neurosurgeon based in London, to find out what it involves.

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