Artículos del doctor: Mr Nicola de'Liguori-Carino Más de 7589 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Improving outcomes for patients with bowel cancer and liver metastases

Unfortunately, depending on the stage of colorectal cancer, it can metastases to other parts of the body, which is commonly the liver. Despite the challenges seen in treating this difficult diagnosis, advancements in surgery and improvements in understanding how to target liver metastases have given patients a better outlook. Here we learn from a top hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgeon, Mr Nicola de’ Liguori Carino, how colorectal cancer and liver metastases are treated.

What happens when bowel cancer metastasises to the liver?

Some patients diagnosed with colorectal (bowel) cancer, also present with liver metastases. The liver is the most common site in the body of patients with bowel cancer for metastasis to occur due to its anatomical location. Whilst this can be a very challenging diagnosis to be given, treatment can be possible, as well as cure. Mr Nicola de’ Liguori Carino, an experienced hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgeon, explains how liver metastases are identified and treated in patients with colorectal cancer.

Irreversible electroporation and the nanoknife

Cancer is an ever-present danger to our health, affecting thousands of people in the UK, and capable of appearing in almost any part of the body. New treatments are always being researched and developed to combat cancer. Could electrical pulses provide an answer to those cancers that are difficult to treat with surgery or chemotherapy? We asked expert surgeon Mr Nicola de’ Liguori Carino.

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