Artículos del doctor: Mr Phil Wright Más de 7440 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

What can cause shoulder instability?

Shoulder instability is a common orthopaedic problem that can result in pain, limited movement, and reduced sense of balance in the shoulder. Here to provide an expert insight into shoulder instability, including causes, diagnosis and surgical treatment, is Mr Phil Wright, renowned consultant orthopaedic surgeon.

How to treat a rotator cuff tear

Rotator cuff tears can cause worsening pain, usually felt on the deltoid. In this article, Mr Phil Wright, clarifies other warning signs of the condition and highlights what the average recovery time is from rotator cuff repair surgery. We also discuss non-surgical treatment options such as steroid injections and whether they are efffective.

Computer elbow can I get tennis elbow typing too much

Computer elbow, better known as tennis elbow, is a stress injury to your elbow from repetatively typing and gripping your computer mouse. It's a classic sign of being overworked and now with the increasing use of computers and laptops in the workspace, this condition is becoming more common. We asked Mr Phil Wright, an expert consultant orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in elbow pain, to explain a bit more about how it develops and what ergonomic changes you should make to prevent it.

When is arthroscopic shoulder surgery needed?

Shoulder problems are very common, and although most resolve after 2-3 weeks without treatment, some may require treatment in the form of arthroscopic surgery to improve strength and stability. In this article, Mr Phil Wright, one of our top consultant orthopaedic surgeons, explains when arthroscopic shoulder surgery is used and what you can expect during recovery.

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