Artículos del doctor: Dr Pravir Sharma Más de 6696 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

The symptoms and diagnosis of PTSD

PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) is a mental health condition that can develop after experiencing a traumatic event, requiring comprehensive treatment and support to navigate it. Here, Dr Pravir Sharma, renowned consultant psychiatrist, offers his expert insight into the causes, symptoms and the treatment available for people living with PTSD.

Dementia research update: What are the most recent breakthroughs?

The onset of dementia can seriously affect patients in many ways, including their ability to communicate and their memory. Each type of dementia, however, has a different progression and in some cases, other factors can be controlled to improve outcomes for patients. In this article, leading consultant psychiatrist Dr Pravir Sharma expertly explains the progression of different forms of dementia, as well as outlining the latest developments in research of the condition.

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