Artículos del doctor: Dr Robert Boyle Más de 7589 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Preventing allergies in pregnancy: fish oil and probiotics

It is well known that nutrition plays a huge part in the healthy development of a child. However, did you know that if you're pregnant, you may actually be able to prevent the risk of allergies in your children by what you choose to eat. We spoke with Dr Robert Boyle to discuss paediatric allergies and why vitamin D may help. Find out everything you need to know in this latest article.

Cow’s milk allergy infants current guidelines causing overdiagnosis

There is increasing evidence across Europe suggesting that children are being overdiagnosed with a cow's milk allergy due to inaccurate information being promoted by the current allergy guidelines. Dr Robert Boyle, one of our top allergy specialists, explains why many parents may falsely believe their child has a cow's milk allergy and how private formula manufacturers might be involved in this.

Food allergy testing in children with eczema: is it useful?

Children with severe eczema are very likely to develop food allergies. Whilst these children benefit from removing certain foods from their diet, it certainly isn't the case across the board for older children or those with mild symptoms of the skin condition. Read more from our expert paediatric allergist Dr Robert Boyle as to whether food allergy testing in children with eczema is beneficial or not.

Childhood asthma guidelines for parents

Asthma is a common condition that afflicts adults and children alike, but how does childhood asthma develop and what are the signs, as parents, to look out for? Dr Robert Boyle is a paediatric allergist and all-around expert in treating asthma, and here he shares the key points about childhood asthma that parents and caregivers should be aware of.

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