Elderley patients and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Escrito por:What is COPD?
COPD stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It occurs due to inflammation caused to the bronchi (tubes that bring the air to the alveoli and blood). Pollution, occupational hazards, cigarette smoking, all cause the cells to produce phlegm, to swell bronchial inner part and increasingly close the space for the air to come in.
What are the first signs of COPD?
Usually COPD beings with a cough that happens as soon as sufferers get up in the morning and it lasts just 5-10 seconds. This will be the only symptom for the whole day. This cough lasts more than 90 days in a year.
Shortness of breath, when walking uphill or upstairs, can also be one of the first signs of COPD.
Why is COPD more common in elderly patients?
COPD occurs more commonly in elderly patients because breathing causes many substances to enter the body through the bronchi and many inflammations occur during life.
It can be considered a normal way of ageing of the respiratory system but problems arise when the inflammation damages the walls of the bronchi.