Hands up for a confidence-boosting arm lift!

Escrito por: Mr Fateh Ahmad
Editado por: Sophie Kennedy

Sagging or drooping skin on the upper arm that develops as we age can affect confidence and impact self-esteem. In this informative article, renowned plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeon Mr Fateh Ahmad shed light on brachioplasty, the arm lifting procedure that can restore shape and tone to the upper arms and boost confidence.



What is an arm lift?


An arm lift, also known as a brachioplasty, is a procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the area between the armpit and the elbow. As we age, the skin on our upper arms can become slack and sagging can occur. Although exercise and training can help to improve the tone of the upper arm muscles, the skin’s loss of elasticity can mean the area still appears to droop. If this affects your self-esteem, an arm lift can help to boost your confidence.



How is an arm lift carried out?


After taking a detailed medical history, the specialist can determine if you are a suitable candidate for a brachioplasty. Should this be the case, the arm will be examined to determine how much excess skin and fat will be removed and what results can be achieved.


The procedure takes between two and three hours in total. During the surgery, which is performed under general anaesthesia, excess fat and skin is removed from the upper arm. Following this, the remaining skin is put back into place to cover the newly defined contours of the arm. In some cases, liposuction is also performed to improve the appearance of the arm’s shape. Patients usually spend a night in hospital following an arm lift and can go home the following day to continue their recovery.



Is an arm lift painful?


The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia and patients usually experience a little discomfort following surgery. Going forward into recovery, most patients only require regular pain killers.



What is the recovery period like after an arm lift?


Following the procedure, patients often have some swelling and bruising which is more pronounced if liposuction was also performed. This is completely normal and will settle over the following weeks. It may take up to six months for the final results of the procedure to be visible. It is important to remember that any changes to your weight going forward can affect the results of surgery.


Most people take several weeks off work to recover from the procedure and patients should avoid any strenuous activity, exercise at the gym or swimming for around six weeks. Following an arm lift, you should also avoid lifting your arms above shoulder level wherever possible for around four weeks.


Following surgery, it’s also important to eat a balanced and nutritious diet as this helps wounds to heal and ensures your bowel movements are comfortable. Although you should not engage in any vigorous exercise for several weeks, it is important to mobilise the body with very light exercise to minimise the chance of developing complications such as a chest infection or blood clot.





If you are interested in discussing your suitability for a brachioplasty procedure and wish to book a consultation with Mr Ahmad, you can do so by visiting his Top Doctors profile.

Por Mr Fateh Ahmad
Cirugía plástica, estética y reparadora

Fateh Ahmad es un reconocido cirujano plástico, reconstructivo y estético con sede en Essex y Londres . Se especializa en cirugía estética facial que incluye estiramientos faciales, rinoplastia, cirugía de párpados, levantamiento de cejas, corrección prominente de oídos, remodelación de mentón e inyectables como antiarrugas y rellenos; contorno corporal incluyendo abdominoplastia y liposucción; todas las formas de cirugía estética de senos, como aumento de senos, reducción de senos y levantamiento de senos; tratamientos para el cáncer de piel, eliminación de lunares; y procedimientos reconstructivos de cabeza y cuello . Actualmente ocupa un puesto importante como Consultor de Cirujano Plástico en el mundialmente conocido Centro St Andrew's para Cirugía Plástica y Quemaduras en Chelmsford, Essex.

Ahmad se graduó de la Escuela de Medicina del Imperial College de Londres y ha completado una amplia capacitación en cirugía plástica y estética en ciudades de todo el mundo, incluyendo Londres, Liverpool, Birmingham, Adelaida y Nueva York. Además, Ahmad también ha adquirido becas nacionales e internacionales en centros de excelencia en cirugía craneofacial, reconstrucción microvascular y cirugía estética.

Después de su Doctorado en Medicina, por el cual recibió una cátedra Hunterian del Royal College of Surgeons of England, Ahmad ha contribuido, y aún lo hace, a hacer una gran contribución al mundo de la cirugía estética y reconstructiva; publicando varios capítulos de libros, varias publicaciones revisadas por pares y dando más de 100 presentaciones nacionales e internacionales. Ahmad cree firmemente en la formación y educación continua. También es miembro del consejo de la Royal Society of Medicine y es ampliamente respetado entre la comunidad académica y médica.

Ahmad adapta sus consejos, tratamientos y procedimientos a todos sus pacientes, asegurando que la atención y seguridad del paciente sean sus principales prioridades. Su experiencia en el manejo de casos complejos y de alto riesgo le presenta una visión y experiencia únicas en el mantenimiento de la seguridad del paciente y la provisión de tratamientos y procedimientos cosméticos de clase mundial para ayudar a restaurar la autoestima de las personas y alcanzar sus deseos estéticos.

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