How are veneers placed on teeth?

Escrito por: Dr Michel Karouni
Editado por: Conor Lynch

Top Doctors recently chatted to esteemed consultant dentist, implantologist, and periodontist, Dr Michel Karouni, to discuss all things dental veneers. Here, Dr Karouni explains what veneers are and details how they are placed on one’s teeth.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are a popular cosmetic dentistry option for those looking to improve the appearance of their teeth. Veneers are thin shells of porcelain or composite material that are bonded to the front surface of a tooth in order to change its color, shape, or size. They can be used to mask stains, close gaps, or even out irregular teeth.


How are veneers placed on teeth?

The process of placing veneers on teeth begins with removing a small amount of tooth enamel from the front surface of the tooth. Next, an impression is taken of the tooth, which is used to custom-make the veneer. Once the veneer is ready, it is bonded to the tooth using dental cement.


How long do veneers last?

The lifespan of a veneer may vary depending on factors such as the patient's oral hygiene and the type of veneers used. Porcelain veneers are more durable than composite veneers, porcelain can last around 10 years and composite between five to seven years.


Are veneers a good option for discolored teeth?

Veneers are a popular option for discolored teeth, as they can be used to mask stains and improve the color of the teeth. Veneers do not whiten teeth. Therefore, they may not be the best option for patients with deep staining. They are also an effective solution for closing gaps or irregular teeth, providing a natural-looking and long-lasting solution.


Are there any risks associated with veneers?

There are some risks associated with veneers, such as tooth sensitivity, tooth decay, and chipping or breaking of the veneer.


To book a consultation with Dr Michel Karouni, visit his Top Doctors profile today.

Dr Michel Karouni

Por Dr Michel Karouni
Odontología y estomatología

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