How long do dental implants usually last?

Escrito por: Dr Felix Price
Editado por: Conor Lynch

In this article below, Dr Felix Price, a distinguished Glasgow and Liverpool-based dentist, outlines the main types of dental implants that are available to patients nowadays, before revealing the answer to the all-important question: how long do dental implants last.

What are the different types of dental implants available?

There is a wide range of dental implants on offer today. Their classification will depend on factors such as shape, placement technique, and material. I like to use implants that are made of titanium, as it facilitates the osseointegration and durability of the treatment.


How long do dental implants usually last?

Dental implants are a very long-lasting solution. They can last more than 20 years, and, in some cases, even the patient’s entire life. However, patients should be advised that basic maintenance and hygiene are required in order to guarantee the dental implant success.


What are the advantages of dental implants over veneers?

There are two different dental treatments used to solve different problems. Dental implants are the best solution for patients who have missing teeth. While veneers are built on top of an existing tooth, dental implants replace a tooth entirely. For this reason, we cannot compare both methods.


Are there any disadvantages to dental implants?

I do not see real disadvantages when it comes to dental implants, as this treatment helps the patient recover a tooth that was missing before. The patient, thus, regains functionality.


Can teeth implants be done immediately after extraction?

Yes, this is certainly a possibility. It depends on each specific case.


If you would like to make an appointment with Dr Felix Price, simply head on over to his Top Doctors profile to do just that today

Por Dr Felix Price
Odontología y estomatología

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