How many different types of tummy tucks are there?

Escrito por: Miss Judith Hunter
Publicado: | Actualizado: 30/12/2019
Editado por: Lisa Heffernan
Whether you want to tighten up loose skin around your tummy after shedding weight or having kids, a tummy tuck or in other words, an abdominoplasty removes excess skin and fat
from the lower abdomen and tightens the rectus abdominis (six pack muscles) that lie underneath.
However, an abdominoplasty is not a substitute for losing weight. Patients who are already at their ideal weight achieve better results with the surgery. Miss Judith Hunter talks about the different types of abdominoplasty, all of which can be combined with tightening your muscles that give you a six pack!

Standard abdominoplasty

This is the most common abdominoplasty. Skin and fat are removed from below the belly button and the remaining skin is pulled tight together. Stretch marks below the belly button will be removed, however, stretch marks above the belly button will remain. There will be two scars after the abdominoplasty. One will run from one hip to the other, across the lower abdomen and there will be another scar around the belly button.

Mini Abdominoplasty

A small melon slice of skin and fat is removed from the lower abdomen, leaving behind a scar along the bikini line. There will be no scar around the belly button, but the belly button might be shifted into a lower position after the procedure. This tummy tuck is only suitable for those who have a very small amount of excess skin.

Fleur de Lys Abdominoplasty

This abdominoplasty is very similar to the standard abdominoplasty but there will be an extra scar after the surgery, which will be vertical and run along the front of the tummy. This is because excess
skin is removed, not only from the lower part of the abdomen, but across the abdomen too, so skin is removed both horizontally and vertically. This is more common in people who have lost a lot of

Extended Abdominoplasty

Similar again to a standard abdominoplasty, this procedure is commonly used after a massive weight loss, with the scar extending further around the back of the patient.

Full Body Lift or Circumferential Abdominoplasty

This is similar to a standard abdominoplasty, however, the scar extends from the front of the tummy all around the back to the top of the buttocks. This is done after a major weight loss. Liposuction can also be combined with this abdominoplasty for some patients.

Before the abdominoplasty

Every patient will have a pre-op assessment and sometimes bloods will be taken.

During the abdominoplasty

Depending on the type of abdominoplasty, the procedure can take anywhere from between 90 minutes to four hours. It’s performed under general anaesthetic, so you are fully unconscious/asleep.
You cannot eat or drink anything but water for six hours before the operation. Water can only be had up to two hours before the operation.

After the operation

Patients generally have drains placed in them and stay in hospital overnight. Often drains are removed the next day but sometimes patients may need to go home with a drain in.
A pressure garment will be fitted at the end of the operation and will need to be worn for six weeks following the operation, every day and night. You’ll be able to walk right away after the operation but should expect to take two weeks off work, avoid driving, heavy lifting and going to the gym for six weeks.
You’ll have a follow-up appointment one to two weeks after the procedure and then once again at six weeks.
If you’re considering a tummy tuck and you have more questions, you can contact Miss Hunter through her Top Doctors profile.

Por Miss Judith Hunter
Cirugía plástica, estética y reparadora

Miss Judith Hunter es Consultora Senior de Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y Estética con sede en Imperial College Healthcare NHS e Imperial Private Healthcare London con un interés especial en todas las formas de cirugía de senos, incluida la reconstrucción de senos con colgajo DIEP y la reconstrucción de senos con colgajo TUG. El trabajo de la señorita Hunter en la reconstrucción mamaria ha servido para perfeccionar sus procedimientos de cirugía estética ofrecidos a sus pacientes privados: realiza regularmente reducciones mamarias , habiendo realizado alrededor de 1000 reducciones mamarias en los últimos años; junto con levantamiento de senos (mastopexia); aumento de senos (agrandamiento de senos - usando implantes o transferencia de grasa a los senos); aumento de la mastopexia (aumento y elevación de senos) y extracción de implantes y capsulectomías e intercambio. Miss Hunter también tiene una amplia experiencia en el contorno del cuerpo, realizando regularmente una abdominoplastia (abdominoplastia); braquioplastia (lifting de brazos): procedimientos de lifting de muslos internos, combinados con liposucción y también procedimientos de labioplastia.

Miss Hunter ha realizado tres becas de microcirugía, en los hospitales Royal Marsden y St Thomas's en Londres y un año en Australia.

Miss Hunter se graduó originalmente de la Universidad de Cambridge con un título de honores de primera clase y se entrenó durante más de 10 años en cirugía plástica y reconstructiva en Cambridge y Londres. Obtuvo su FRCS (Plast) en 2011 y logró su registro de especialista en cirugía plástica en 2013. En 2015 se unió al equipo consultor de cirugía plástica en el Imperial College Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, principalmente para realizar una reconstrucción de colgajo microquirúrgica inmediata para pacientes con cáncer de mama, su La publicación se hizo sustantiva en mayo de 2016.

Miss Hunter ha realizado más de 300 colgajos sin DIEP en los últimos años, ayudando al Departamento de Cirugía Plástica del Imperial College Healthcare NHS a convertirse en el segundo proveedor de colgajos gratuitos más grande para la reconstrucción mamaria en el Reino Unido; ella ha establecido una clínica de reconstrucción mamaria en el Hospital Northwick Park en Harrow, trabajando junto con otros cirujanos mamarios; También está entrenada en tatuajes médicos y en microcirugía para el linfedema.

Miss Hunter enseña en el Royal College of Surgeons cursos sobre reconstrucción mamaria oncoplástica y es miembro de la facultad del Programa de Maestría en Cirugía Oncoplástica de Seno, además de enseñar en los cursos de la Asociación Británica de Cirujanos Plásticos, Reconstructivos y Estéticos; Tiene más de 25 artículos científicos en revistas revisadas por pares y ha presentado ampliamente en reuniones nacionales e internacionales.

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