I'm feeling dizzy - should I be worried?

Escrito por: Mr Ibrahim Albert Srouji
Publicado: | Actualizado: 28/07/2023
Editado por: Laura Burgess

Dizziness itself is not often a cause for concern and generally tends to pass after a few moments. However, it can persist and is caused by the delicate relationship between the inner ear, the eyes and brain. We’ve asked one of our top ENT surgeons Mr Ibrahim Srouji to explain ear-related dizziness, when it needs to be checked by a specialist and how it can be managed.

When is dizziness serious?

There are many different and unrelated causes of dizziness, however, if your dizziness is caused by a problem in the ears, it is rarely serious.

This is provided you refrain from driving or operating machinery when the dizzy episodes are sudden and debilitating and whilst we are carrying out investigations.

Other non-ear causes of dizziness can sometimes be serious, and when you attend my clinic we will go through some basic tests to determine how likely this is.

What has dizziness been described as feeling like?

In general, patients who have experienced dizziness that makes them feel weak, faint, have an unclear vision or a headache, are unlikely to have an ear-cause. Patients who have movement-type dizziness like spinning, being on a boat or veering to one side when walking, may need to have their ears investigated.

Many people find dizziness extremely difficult to describe. Do not worry if this is the case for you, as when you attend my clinic we will carefully go through specific questions you may not have thought of. This will make the diagnosis clearer and guide your treatment.

When should I see an ear doctor?

If you have movement-type dizziness or your dizziness comes with an abnormal sensation in one ear, or your symptoms are mixed and you are not sure, you should book an appointment to see a specialist.

Your appointment will include a clinical assessment and some basic audiology (hearing) tests. This is because the hearing and balance organs are connected and the test can help reach a diagnosis even if you have not experienced a problem with your hearing.

At my clinic, following your initial appointment, I may recommend some helpful exercises or medications. Sometimes I will recommend scans or tests that look at the balance organ directly such as videonystagmography (VNG) and caloric measurements. All of these tests are available in one place here at the Mulberry clinic in Huntingdon.

Do not hesitate to book an appointment with Mr Srouji if you’re concerned about ear-related dizziness.

Mr Ibrahim Albert Srouji

Por Mr Ibrahim Albert Srouji

El Sr. Ibrahim Albert Srouji es un cirujano consultor que cuenta con doble calificación en ORL (oído, nariz y garganta) y cirugía plástica facial . Completó el examen de becas del Colegio Real de Cirujanos de Inglaterra (FRCS) en 2007 y está en el registro de especialistas de GMC. Después de graduarse de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Southampton, el Sr. Srouji completó su entrenamiento quirúrgico en Londres, Cardiff, Cambridge, Amsterdam y los Estados Unidos.

El Sr. Srouji proporciona asesoramiento atento y experto en una amplia gama de condiciones de oído, nariz y garganta. Es el líder clínico de todas las cirugías infantiles en el Hospital Hinchingbrooke y brinda cirugía ENT privada para niños adultos en su clínica de Cambridgeshire . Ha publicado artículos en varias revistas médicas revisadas por pares y ha presentado su trabajo en varias reuniones prestigiosas, incluida la Royal Society of Medicine en Londres.

El Sr. Srouji también es el líder clínico de la Asociación de Transformación ENT de Cambridgeshire y Peterborough. Todos los días participa activamente en la mejora del servicio, la modernización de la trayectoria del paciente y la mejora de la experiencia del paciente.

Dentro del campo de la cirugía estética, el Sr. Srouji es un subespecialista que se centra exclusivamente en las áreas faciales más intrincadas, como la rinoplastia y el estiramiento facial. En 2009, completó la Beca de Interfaz en Cirugía Estética y Reconstructiva del Departamento de Salud del Reino Unido, el riguroso Examen de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva Facial de la Junta para la certificación internacional, y la beca completa de la Academia Europea de Cirugía Plástica Facial. Tiene una amplia experiencia en deformidad nasal y cirugía de vías respiratorias y hasta la fecha ha realizado más de 500 procedimientos de rinoplastia.

Sus calificaciones duales en cirugía plástica facial y ENT le permiten cuidar los aspectos estéticos y funcionales de la nariz, logrando resultados estéticos agradables y naturales al tiempo que protege la función interna de la nariz.

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