Interstitial cystitis: your guide to painful bladder syndrome

Escrito por: Mr Mohammed Belal
Publicado: | Actualizado: 01/08/2023
Editado por: Cal Murphy

Bladder pain can strike for a number of reasons. One condition that may hit people in their 30s or 40s is interstitial cystitis, or painful bladder syndrome. Affecting women more commonly than men, this chronic condition is poorly understood. We talked to expert urologist Mr Mohammed Belal, who gave us a quick guide to interstitial cystitis.

What is interstitial cystitis?

Interstitial cystitis (IC) is an uncommon bladder condition consisting of bladder pain as well as frequent urination and urgency (desperate desire to void). It is also known as bladder pain syndrome (BPS) and painful bladder syndrome.

The exact causes are somewhat poorly understood, as there is no obvious infection in the bladder and antibiotics are ineffective in treating it. The bladder may be ulcerated, inflamed, or scarred.


What signs and symptoms would you expect to see with interstitial cystitis?

The most common symptom of interstitial cystitis is that of bladder pain, which usually occurs in the suprapubic region and improves on passing urine. The patient would need to urinate often during the day and night.

In diagnosing interstitial cystitis, common conditions such as a urine infection should first be excluded.


How to manage interstitial cystitis

Interstitial cystitis can be managed in a number of ways. Initially, more conservative measures are recommended, including a change in diet and fluid intake. This could mean reducing carbonated drinks and spicy food.

Further management includes pain relief and medication to reduce the frequency of voiding. Bladder instillations (traditionally of GAG layer products) are commonly used to relieve the symptoms.


Can interstitial cystitis be cured?

As in any chronic condition, interstitial cystitis can be managed to a level where the patient can continue to function normally. There may be flare-ups, but generally these are manageable with treatment. However, the condition itself does not disappear, as there is currently no cure.

If you are exhibiting signs of painful bladder syndrome, consult your doctor or a specialist.

Por Mr Mohammed Belal

Mohammed Belal es un importante urólogo de Birmingham que actualmente trabaja en BMI The Priory Hospital y Spire Parkway Hospital , entre otros. Se especializa en incontinencia urinaria masculina y femenina , vejiga hiperactiva , infertilidad masculina y cálculos renales , y está bien versado tanto en andrología como en urología femenina. Conocido por su atención compasiva al paciente, el Sr. Belal se esfuerza por encontrar una solución a los problemas urológicos complejos, incluidos aquellos en los que el tratamiento anterior no ha tenido éxito.

El Sr. Mohammed Belal es un cirujano urológico altamente capacitado y capacitado y, como investigador y formador activo, puede abordar los problemas urológicos con la experiencia más actualizada y las técnicas más avanzadas. Graduado en Cambridge, realizó una capacitación quirúrgica adicional en varias instituciones médicas reconocidas, como el Hospital de Guy, en Londres y el Instituto de Urología de Bristol, y también recibió una prestigiosa beca en Melbourne, Australia.

El Sr. Belal es uno de los pocos cirujanos que realizan eslingas pubovaginales autólogas, neuromodulación sacra, extracción de malla, cirugía compleja de vejiga y es uno de los implantadores de volumen más grandes del Reino Unido de esfínteres urinarios artificiales. Se invita regularmente al Sr. Belal a presentar y operar a nivel nacional e internacional por su experiencia quirúrgica.

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