Managing prostate cancer treatment complications

Escrito por: Mr Sachin Malde
Editado por: Kate Forristal

Prostate cancer treatment, whether through surgery or radiation therapy, presents potential complications. In his latest online article, Mr Sachin Malde delves into the common issues arising from these treatments. He outlines strategies, from pelvic floor exercises to surgical interventions, offering insights into managing and improving the quality of life for patients.

What are the common complications associated with the treatment of prostate cancer?

Treatment for prostate cancer can involve various approaches, each with its own set of potential complications. The most common treatments are surgery or radiation therapy. The choice of treatment depends on factors such as the stage of cancer, overall health of the patient, and individual preferences. Common complications associated with the treatment of prostate cancer include:



Incontinence: Prostate surgery, such as a radical prostatectomy, may lead to temporary or permanent urinary incontinence due to damage to the sphincter muscles controlling urine flow. If this occurs, Mr Malde is an expert in identifying the specific cause of the incontinence, and in treating these bothersome urinary symptoms.


Erectile dysfunction: Nerve damage during surgery can affect sexual function, leading to difficulties achieving or maintaining an erection. There are many non-surgical and surgical treatments available which can be discussed with you at your consultation.


Radiation therapy:

Urinary problems: Radiation can cause irritation to the bladder and urethra, leading to urinary symptoms such as frequency, urgency, and discomfort, as well as incontinence. These symptoms often require more detailed investigations, with a test called urodynamics, and Mr Malde can then discuss the best treatments that are available to resolve these symptoms.


Bowel issues: Radiation may also affect the rectum, causing symptoms like diarrhoea, rectal bleeding, or discomfort.


It's important to note that not all patients will experience these complications, and the severity can vary. Treatments may include non-invasive conservative treatments such as pelvic floor physiotherapy or bladder retraining, or minimally invasive treatments such as sling or artificial sphincter surgery, or botox injections. Mr Malde will perform advanced diagnostics to understand the cause of your symptoms further and can then discuss which treatment would be optimal to treat your symptoms.


How can urinary incontinence as a result of prostate cancer treatment be addressed?

Urinary incontinence, a common side effect of certain prostate cancer treatments such as surgery, can significantly impact a patient's quality of life. However, there are various strategies and interventions available to address and manage urinary incontinence. The approach may vary based on the severity of incontinence and the specific treatment received, and Mr Malde will discuss the best treatment options for you based on the underlying cause of the incontinence. Treatments include:


Pelvic floor exercises (Kegel Exercises): Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through exercises can help improve urinary control. Mr Malde works with highly specialist pelvic floor physiotherapists to help you strengthen these muscles in the best and most rapid way.


Bladder training: Bladder training involves gradually increasing the time between bathroom visits to train the bladder to hold urine for longer periods. This can help improve bladder control over time.


Behavioural and lifestyle modifications: Making certain lifestyle adjustments, such as managing fluid intake, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, and maintaining a healthy weight, can contribute to better urinary control.


Medications: In some cases, medications may be prescribed to improve bladder function and reduce urinary incontinence. These may include medications specifically designed for overactive bladder.


Surgical interventions: If urinary incontinence persists and is severe, surgical options such as sling procedures or artificial urinary sphincter implantation may be considered. Mr Malde specialises in this surgery with outstanding outcomes and patient feedback.


Tailored interventions can significantly improve symptoms and enhance overall well-being. The choice of approach will depend on the results of detailed investigation to understand the underlying cause of the incontinence, as well as patients’ personal preferences.


Mr Sachin Malde is an esteemed urologist. You can schedule an appointment with Mr Malde on his Top Doctors profile.

Por Mr Sachin Malde

Sr. Sachin Malde es un consultor bien considerado y altamente capacitado de Urología Cirujano basada en el Hospital de la reconocida Guy y St. Thomas de Londres. El Sr. Malde se clasificó en el mayor centro de capacitación en atención médica de Europa, la histórica Escuela de Medicina de Guy, King y St Thomas en Londres, antes de completar su formación en urología. Es un experto en el tratamiento de problemas urológicos y tiene intereses especializados en cáncer de vejiga, incontinencia, infecciones urinarias, problemas de vejiga y enfermedades de la próstata . Completó su entrenamiento de beca en el University College Hospital en Londres, donde recibió un premio por su investigación sobre la incontinencia. El Sr. Malde está dispuesto a ofrecer los tratamientos más modernos y es uno de los pocos urólogos que realizan la estimulación del nervio sacro para afecciones de la vejiga. Entusiasta de la educación y el aspecto académico de la medicina, ha impartido tutorías y conferencias a nivel nacional e internacional, y ha publicado numerosos artículos en revistas científicas. El señor Malde es miembro del Colegio Real de Cirujanos de Inglaterra y es miembro de la Asociación Británica de Cirujanos de Urología. También es miembro de la Asociación Europea de Urología, donde forma parte del panel de Pautas para los síntomas urinarios masculinos.

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