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What are the benefits of joint replacement surgery?

Joint replacement surgery is a common orthopaedic procedure performed to relieve pain, improve function, and enhance the quality of life of patients who have severe joint damage. Here, Mr Gurdeep Singh Biring, renowned consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon based in Great Missenden and Slough, provides a comprehensive insight into joint replacement surgery.

Liposuction under local anaesthesia: A safe and effective procedure

Liposuction, a widely sought-after cosmetic procedure designed to eliminate excess fat deposits, has seen significant advancements over the years. Traditionally performed under general anaesthesia, modern medical technology now allows patients to opt for liposuction under local anaesthesia. In this article, renowned liposuction specialist, Dr Arash Khademi, elucidates the benefits and considerations of this innovative approach, offering valuable insights for those contemplating the procedure.

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Ginecología y Obstetricia

Endometriosis and its treatment

Endometriosis is a chronic condition in which tissue similar to the lining inside the uterus, called the endometrium, starts to grow outside the uterus. This can cause pain, inflammation and the formation of scar tissue. Leading laparoscopic surgeon and a consultant gynaecologist Mr Chellappah Gnanachandran (Mr Gnana) provides a detailed insight into this condition and its different treatment methods.  

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What is squint surgery?

Squint surgery, also known as strabismus surgery, is a procedure designed to correct the alignment of the eyes. Strabismus, commonly referred to as a squint, occurs when the eyes do not point in the same direction. This can affect both children and adults, leading to issues with vision, depth perception, and even self-esteem. Squint surgery aims to adjust the muscles around the eyes to improve alignment and functionality. Established consultant ophthalmologist Mr Syed Shahid answers commonly asked questions about the procedure.

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Redacción de Top Doctors

An introduction to Anti-VEGF treatment

Anti-VEGF treatment is a powerful tool in managing certain eye conditions, particularly those related to abnormal blood vessel growth in the retina. This article aims to provide a clear and understandable overview of what Anti-VEGF treatment involves, its benefits, and what patients can expect during the process. Revered consultant ophthalmologist Mr Andre Litwin provides a guide to the treatment, including what conditions it can be used for and the benefits.

Thoracic endometriosis: explained

Thoracic endometriosis involves the presence of endometrial tissue in the lungs or chest cavity, causing symptoms like chest pain, coughing blood, and shortness of breath, often linked to menstrual cycles. Distinguished consultant gynaecologist and advanced laparoscopic surgeon Mr Hemant Niranjan Vakharia provides an overview to the condition, including its complications and diagnosis.

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