Pregnancy periodontitis: Can it affect my baby?

Escrito por: Dr Neesha Patel
Publicado: | Actualizado: 30/05/2023
Editado por: Laura Burgess

It’s really important to keep teeth and gums as clean and healthy as possible, especially when you’re expecting. Pregnancy can lead to dental problems in some women because of the hormonal changes that affect the body’s response to plaque bacteria in the mouth.

Everyone is at risk of developing gingivitis or periodontitis (gum disease) if plaque is allowed to accumulate around the teeth and gums. However, during pregnancy, changes in levels of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone cause an exaggerated response to the plaque. This can lead to inflammationswollen gumsbleeding and could cause bone loss around the teeth.


If left untreated, could this have an effect on your pregnancy and newborn?  Leading consultant periodontist, Dr Neesha Patel, explains how periodontitis affects pregnancy and how the condition can be treated.


What effect could periodontitis have on pregnancy?


Research has found links between good gum health and good pregnancy outcomes. There is evidence to show that pregnant women with untreated periodontitis could be at higher risk of the following complications:

  • Having a baby with a low weight at birth.
  • Giving birth too early in the pregnancy (preterm birth).
  • Having dangerously high blood pressure (pre-eclampsia) during pregnancy.

How does periodontitis affect the baby?


Periodontitis occurs when there is a significant source of bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria can enter the bloodstream (bacteraemia) during chewing, brushing and flossing, which can lead to infection. This can reach the developing baby in the womb.

Who is at risk of bacteraemia?


The risk of bacteraemia depends on the patient’s periodontal health. Bacteraemia is more common in patients with periodontitis compared to those who have good oral hygiene. Traces of germs from the mother’s mouth have been found in the fluid around the baby, and in blood inside the cord that attaches the baby to its mother.

What’s the likelihood of periodontitis affecting my baby?


Having periodontitis does not automatically mean that there will be an adverse pregnancy outcome, but it is important to ensure that you have a healthy mouth to limit these possibilities.

How is periodontal disease treated during pregnancy?


If you are pregnant, you should let your dental team know and also inform them of the due date of your baby. Treating periodontal disease during pregnancy has been shown to reduce the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Treatment is carried out by professional cleaning around the teeth and beneath the gum line to remove plaque build-up, but it is also important that the patient continues to adhere to good oral hygiene practices which include brushing twice a day, as well as cleaning between the teeth with either floss or interdental brushes.


Researchers have found that the incidence of preterm birth in women who received periodontal treatment during pregnancy was 2% compared to 10% for women who postponed treatment until after delivery.


By maintaining your periodontal health, you are not only supporting your overall health but also helping to ensure a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby.


If you are concerned about your oral health, and how it can affect your baby, do not hesitate to book an appointment with Dr Neesha Patel via her Top Doctors profile today to receive expert treatment and advice.

Por Dr Neesha Patel
Odontología y estomatología

La Dra. Neesha Patel es una periodista consultora líder en Londres que también es Directora Clínica en la clínica Pure Periodontics. Ella se especializa en periodoncia láser y todos los aspectos de la salud de las encías, incluyendo el tratamiento de las encías, la enfermedad de las encías y la sonrisa gomosa .

El Dr. Patel ha trabajado tanto en la práctica general como en el ámbito hospitalario, incluida la odontología restauradora y la cirugía oral y maxilofacial. Obtuvo títulos de postgrado del FGDP del Royal College of Surgeons of England y desde entonces obtuvo una Maestría en Odontología Clínica (Periodoncia) de la Queen Mary University con distinción.

También completó con éxito el examen de Membresía en Odontología Restauradora del Colegio Real de Cirujanos de Edimburgo y fue reconocida como especialista por el Consejo General de Odontología. El Dr. Patel da conferencias extensamente sobre cursos de educación continua y dentistas recién calificados.

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