Revolutionising anti-ageing with EMFACE: The future of non-surgical facelifts

Escrito por: Dr Ariel Haus
Publicado: | Actualizado: 08/07/2024
Editado por: Conor Dunworth

In the heart of London's esteemed Harley Street, Dr Ariel Haus offers the revolutionary non-surgical facelift at Dr Haus Dermatology. This treatment uses cutting-edge technologies to rejuvenate skin without the need for invasive procedures. He explains the revolutionary new EMFACE treatment, a game changer in the non-surgical facelift field.


What exactly is a non-surgical facelift?

Gone are the days when achieving a youthful face required going under the knife. Non-surgical facelifts represent the forefront of aesthetic advancements, offering remarkable results without the risks and downtime associated with surgery. Tailored to individual preferences and needs, these procedures blend minimally invasive and non-invasive treatments to combat signs of ageing effectively.


Benefits and treatment areas

Celebrities and discerning patients alike flock to non-surgical facelifts for their quick, convenient, and natural-looking results.

Common treatment areas include:

  • cheeks
  • Jowls
  • crow’s feet
  • forehead
  • eyelids
  • eyebrows
  • chin
  • mouth and lips


Moreover, these procedures extend beyond cosmetic enhancements, addressing medical conditions such as hyperpigmentation and scarring.


Introducing EMFACE technology: A game-changer in anti-ageing treatments

At the forefront of this revolution lies EMFACE technology, a game-changer in the quest for ageless beauty. EMFACE Submentum targets the dreaded double chin, employing a patented blend of Synchronized RF+ and HIFESTM technologies.

By heating dermal and subdermal layers while toning lax submental muscles, EMFACE offers a comprehensive solution for volume increase or saggy skin.

Furthermore, EMFACE is the pioneer in utilising Synchronized RF and HIFESTM to firm facial frameworks. By increasing collagen and elastin levels while selectively toning facial muscles, EMFACE delivers unparalleled results in just a 20-minute session, with zero downtime.


Combining the best for optimal results

The versatility of non-surgical facelifts lies in their ability to combine various treatments for optimal results. From ablative radiofrequency to dermal fillers, the options are abundant. Each treatment combination can be customised during an initial consultation with a designated dermatologist.


Non-Surgical vs. surgical: Which is right for you?

While surgical facelifts offer immediate, permanent results, non-surgical options provide gradual, natural-looking enhancements suitable for younger patients or those seeking ongoing maintenance. Personal circumstances, including age, skin quality, and desired outcomes, play a crucial role in determining the most suitable approach.


In the realm of cosmetic enhancements, non-surgical facelifts represent a paradigm shift towards safer, more accessible anti-ageing solutions. With EMFACE leading the charge, individuals can now embark on their journey to timeless beauty without the fear of invasive procedures. Say goodbye to wrinkles and sagging skin; the future of youthfulness has arrived.


Dr Ariel Haus is a leading London-based dermatologist, with over 20 years of experience. If you would like to book a consultation with Dr Haus, you can do so today via his Top Doctors profile. 

Por Dr Ariel Haus

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Valoración general de sus pacientes

  • Tratamientos relacionados
  • Laser
    Treatment pigmented lesions
    Platelet-rich plasma
    Dark circles
    Radiofrequency Facelift
    Lifting by radiofrequency
    Hands rejuvenation
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