Turning the tables on benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

Escrito por: Mr Anthony Owa
Publicado: | Actualizado: 21/05/2019
Editado por: Cal Murphy

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is an inner ear problem and one of the most common causes of a sudden, dizzying sensation that feels as though your head is spinning. This sensation is known as vertigo. Expert ENT surgeon Mr Anthony Owa is here to explain this condition and how to treat it.

What is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo?

BPPV is one of the most common causes of vertigo, which arises from a problem in the inner ear. The key symptoms are recurring episodes of vertigo, which are usually brief but intense. Along with the dizziness and sense that you or your surroundings are spinning, you may also experience unsteadiness, loss of balance, nausea, and vomiting.


What causes BPPV?

The ear contains a tiny organ called the vestibular labyrinth, which is composed of three semi-circular canals and two otolith organs, which contain small particles or stones (otoconia). These stones help us to monitor the movement of our heads and sense the effect of gravity to give us a sense of balance.

If these stones become dislodged due to damage to the inner ear, a blow to the head, or unknown factors, they can move into the semi-circular canals, typically the posterior semi-circular canals, where they can disrupt our sense of balance, causing sensations of vertigo.

The condition can take years to resolve in its own, but several manoeuvres can help set it right. Medicines have very limited role in its management.


Particle repositioning manoeuvres

First, the diagnosis is confirmed by having the patient lie flat with their head to one side and eyes kept open. If the patient has BPPV, the eyes would move in characteristic fashion briefly and the patient may experience a short spell of dizziness. This test also confirms which ear is the problem.

The most effective procedure, first described by Epley in 1992, involves placing a mastoid vibrator behind the ear and turning the patient slowly through 270 degrees, before sitting them up again. This manoeuvre aims to move the particles out of the semi-circular canals and back to the otolith organs. It is advised to repeat the procedure to ensure all the stones are moved back to their correct place. The patient then sits upright for 20 minutes before they are sent home. Using a mastoid vibrator is not essential for the procedure to work and I rarely use it.

For the next two weeks, the patient is advised to sleep on the unaffected side of their head and try to avoid sudden head movements. Some patients may require more than one session to resolve the condition. Not all practitioners give this advice.

Other manoeuvres include the Semont liberatory manoeuvre, in which the patient sits with their head turned away from the affected ear. They are then turned on their side with the affected ear downwards, before being suddenly swung 180 degrees to end in a face-down position. This manoeuvre is repeated five times twice a day.

The Brandt-Darroff manoeuvre is similar, but pauses for half a minute in the mid-position, and keeping the head turned towards the ceiling while lying on the side.

These manoeuvres may be performed at home, without supervision, but some patients may require help.

In rare cases when these manoeuvres don’t work, there are surgical options. However, like many surgical procedures, these carry risks: there is a possibility that patient’s hearing will be affected or even lost, and facial nerve weakness is also a risk.


If you are experiencing symptoms of vertigo, the first thing you should do is see your doctor or a specialist, who can diagnose the cause and discuss with you the best treatment options for your case.

Mr Anthony Owa

Por Mr Anthony Owa

El Sr. Anthony Owa es un Consultor ENT Cirujano y un especialista en neurootología con sede en Londres y Essex. Se especializa en cirugía de orejas (incluida la cirugía de oído endoscópica), rinología y otorrinolaringología pediátrica. Es conocido como el diseñador del "ojal Goma Owa", un pequeño tubo de ventilación para el tratamiento de la oreja de cola (enfermedad del oído medio).

El Sr. Owa es un experto en su campo, habiendo presentado varios temas de ENT en muchas conferencias nacionales e internacionales y ha impartido cursos sobre cirugía de nariz y oídos tanto en el Reino Unido como en el extranjero. Después de graduarse en medicina en la Universidad de Benin, Nigeria, se formó en Londres y Cambridge, antes de unirse al programa de capacitación de especialistas en Otolaringología del Norte del Támesis en 1997. Más tarde completó una beca en Utah, EE. UU., Por la cual fue galardonado el Premio de los Fellows de la Sociedad Americana de Neuro-otología para 2002.

Posteriormente se unió a la confianza de Barking, Havering y Redbridge University NHS en 2003 como cirujano otorrinolaringólogo y neurólogo que ofrece una amplia gama de cirugía, que incluye otología especializada y cirugía lateral de la base del cráneo. Fue nombrado miembro del Colegio de Cirujanos de África Occidental por su trabajo de entrenamiento de cirujanos otorrinolaringólogos y misiones quirúrgicas benéficas.

Tomó un descanso profesional de un año ayudando a desarrollar servicios ENT en el Hospital de Enseñanza de la Universidad Estatal de Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria, particularmente con el establecimiento del programa de implante coclear. Regresa para completar una Maestría en Ciencias en otología médica y audiología en University College, Londres en 2017.

Actualmente está involucrado en el desarrollo del plan de estudios de estudiantes de medicina en la Universidad Anglia Ruskin, Chelmsford, Essex.

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