Understanding PTSD

Escrito por: Dr Abrar Hussain
Editado por: Cal Murphy

You have probably heard of PTSD, but what exactly is this psychological condition? Join top consultant psychiatrist Dr Abrar Hussain as he explains post-traumatic stress disorder.

What is PTSD?

PTSD stands for post-traumatic stress disorder and affects around 1 in 10 individuals. It is a condition that develops after a traumatic experience and affected individuals can experience both psychological and physical distress.

All of us have the ability to process a traumatic encounter. However, sometimes the trauma can be huge (e.g. road traffic accident, experience of abuse, terrorist attack, etc.) or we can be in a vulnerable position (e.g. powerless, immobile, frozen, etc.) when we experience the trauma and this makes it harder to process. Unprocessed trauma can remain active in our system and affect us deeply by changing our view of the world. We can begin to feel threatened when there may be no threat and if left untreated, it can affect our personalities and our relationships.


Symptoms of PTSD

Commonly, people with PTSD have flashbacks and nightmares of the incident. This can be very distressing and cause anxiety and panic attacks. Those suffering with PTSD start avoiding anything that can remind them of the trauma and this can cause huge limitations in daily life. The brain is still stuck in the past (when the trauma happened), so it starts actively looking for threatening situations. This means small sounds can be startling; this is called hypervigilance. Sometimes, the traumatic memories are repressed, which means they are hidden from consciousness.

Another common experience for people with a traumatic history is dissociation. This is a state where people can cut off and zone out. They can become distant from their surroundings and can lose track of time. This is thought to be the coping mechanism by which we keep ourselves safe from trauma, but if it persists after the trauma has ended, it is no longer helpful. Trauma can also manifest as physical symptoms, such as chronic pain or functional neurological symptoms.


PTSD treatment

The treatment of PTSD is well established and includes medication and psychological therapies. Medication like anti-depressants can help with PTSD and any associated depression or anxiety. Psychological therapies include EMDR (eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing), which is a powerful and well-researched treatment for trauma and trauma-focused CBT.


Can PTSD ever go away?

It is possible to fully resolve PTSD. However, sometimes the PTSD can become chronic and entrenched and much harder to treat, especially if those affected start using drugs or alcohol to cope. In these cases, treatment needs to be planned, phased, and carried out step by step.

Dr Abrar Hussain

Por Dr Abrar Hussain

  • Terapeuta Analítico Cognitivo Acreditado
  • EMDR Europe Accredited Practitioner .

El Dr. Abrar Hussain es un psiquiatra consultor con sede en West London y Berkshire con una gran experiencia y experiencia en muchas áreas de su campo. Sus especialidades incluyen depresión , ansiedad , estrés traumático y trastornos de la personalidad , entre muchas otras áreas de la psiquiatría. Tiene un interés especial en la evaluación y el manejo de síntomas médicamente inexplicables y trastornos neurológicos funcionales. Dirige un servicio especializado dentro del NHS para pacientes con trastornos físicos y psicológicos comórbidos.

Completó su formación médica en 2002 como medallista de oro y desde entonces ha completado su formación de posgrado en psiquiatría en Londres. Fue galardonado como miembro del Real Colegio de Psiquiatras en 2009. Forma parte del Registro de Especialistas del Consejo Médico General para Psiquiatría General y Psiquiatría de Enlace.

Además de su formación en gestión farmacológica (medicamentos), está entrenado en terapias psicológicas. Es un terapeuta acreditado en Terapia analítica cognitiva (CAT), una forma de terapia psicológica basada en las relaciones con uno mismo y los demás. También es un profesional acreditado de EMDR Europa. La terapia EMDR (Desensibilización y Reprocesamiento del Movimiento Ocular) es un enfoque poderoso dirigido a procesar experiencias traumáticas.

Además de trabajar a tiempo completo como psiquiatra consultor, el Dr. Hussain dedica tiempo a la tutoría para la Academia de Liderazgo de Thames Valley y Wessex. Dirige el entrenamiento para los psiquiatras menores que asisten al examen del Royal College of Psychiatrists como Director de Curso para Cogniciones del curso CASC (www.cognitionsforcasc.co.uk).

Está activamente involucrado en la investigación como Investigador Principal en el ensayo CODES multicéntrico nacional. Ha presentado conferencias nacionales e internacionales y ha ganado premios por su trabajo. Ha sido invitado a hablar en una serie de eventos regionales y nacionales. Ha publicado varios artículos científicos en revistas revisadas por pares.

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