What is accelerated orthodontics?

Escrito por: Dr Elif Keser
Editado por: Jay Staniland

Accelerated orthodontics is a new way to address the most common question that a patient who is considering having their teeth straightened may ask: How long is the treatment going to take? Accelerated orthodontics is becoming more popular with adults because it allows teeth to be straightened in months instead of years.

It is also important to understand that accelerated orthodontics does not only address the correction of the front teeth, but is also a way to speed up a regular full orthodontic treatment. Over the last 15 years, different techniques have been introduced to speed up the orthodontic treatment. Some of these techniques include surgery, while some use certain devices, but they all aim to shorten the treatment time. The idea of accelerated orthodontics is to modify the bone temporarily so that the teeth can move faster in the jaws and the orthodontic treatment can be finished in a matter of months. Leading consultant dentist, Dr Elif Keser explains all about the different accelerated orthodontic treatments.


What are the different methods of accelerated orthodontics?


There are a few different methods of accelerated orthodontics, with new methods being developed in recent times. Here are some of the most common methods:




Corticotomy is a type of minor surgical procedure. It involves small cuts made on the bone around certain teeth to speed up the tooth’s movement. It is done under local anaesthesia and the discomfort usually only lasts a few days.




Another method is Piezocision. It is a minimally invasive surgical procedure where a certain frequency of vibrations are used to cause micro injuries to the bone. Any discomfort felt by the patient usually lasts for around 12-24 hours following the procedure.




Another option for accelerated orthodontics is Propel. Propel is a system where tiny perforations are made in the bone. This causes the bone healing to be stimulated and therefore the teeth move faster. These perforations can be made at different stages during the orthodontic treatment.




AcceleDent is a device that emits micro pulses that encourage bone healing, and for the teeth to move faster. The patient wears a vibrating mouthpiece every day for 20 minutes on top of the braces.


What are the benefits of accelerated orthodontics?


There are some pros and cons of accelerated orthodontics. The benefits are that if the orthodontic treatment is shorter, the problems that arise with long term braces such as tooth decay or gum problems are reduced.

With accelerated orthodontics, the patient sees the change quickly. This allows the patient to see the benefits of the treatment more quickly. It also helps the dental team, along with the patient, to decide on the ideal mouth disciplinary treatment plan.

Accelerated orthodontics is a new field, so there is not as much research or evidence to show the results of your treatment over a long period of time, though no adverse effects are predicted as long as all instructions for treatment and care following treatment are followed correctly.

Because your teeth will shift quickly, you will require more frequent adjustments. You may be asked to see your orthodontist twice a month instead of once a month.


Can anybody have an accelerated orthodontics treatment?


Accelerated orthodontics are not for everyone. Patients with bone disease, ankylosed teeth, non-compliant patients, and heavy smokers are not good candidates for these types of procedures.

As with conventional orthodontics, you will need to wear a retainer after the braces are removed to prevent your teeth from moving back to their original position.

Accelerated orthodontics is a relatively new field and every year more research is being done and these techniques are being used in more diverse ways. Some of these techniques are addressing gum recessions at the same time as orthodontic treatment, and are also able to solve challenging orthodontic problems more easily with the help of such procedures.

If you have always been bothered by crooked teeth or have problems with biting and chewing but didn’t like the thought of wearing braces for many years, accelerated orthodontics may be a good alternative for you. If you are interested in having an accelerated orthodontic treatment, make an appointment with a specialist here.

Por Dr Elif Keser
Odontología y estomatología

El Dr. Elif Keser es un consultor odontólogo líder, con experiencia en ortodoncia para adultos, ortodoncia acelerada y tratamientos multidisciplinarios. Desde su clínica en el centro de Londres, ofrece una amplia gama de tratamientos de ortodoncia y practica técnicas aceleradas de ortodoncia, que utilizan los últimos avances tecnológicos para acortar la cantidad de tiempo necesaria para usar aparatos ortopédicos mientras se esfuerza por obtener los mejores resultados.

El Dr. Keser se formó originalmente en Turquía, antes de convertirse en profesor de ortodoncia en la Universidad de Boston, Estados Unidos. Después de esto, pasó un tiempo en Dubai como directora del programa del Instituto de Investigación Dental y Educación de la Universidad de Boston. La Dra. Keser ha publicado extensamente en su campo y dedica tiempo a dar conferencias sobre ortodoncia acelerada.

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