What is mentoplasty, and how is it performed?

Escrito por: Ms Lisa Greaney
Publicado: | Actualizado: 20/08/2024
Editado por: Conor Lynch

Mentoplasty, commonly known as chin surgery, is a cosmetic procedure designed to reshape the chin for improved facial balance. This surgery can be transformative, making a significant difference in a person’s appearance by refining the jawline and enhancing the overall harmony of facial features. On hand in this article to provide more detail about this surgery is esteemed paediatric and adult oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Ms Lisa Greaney. 

What is mentoplasty?

Mentoplasty can be categorised into two main types: chin augmentation and chin reduction. Chin augmentation involves enhancing the chin’s projection using implants or through repositioning the bone.


This is typically chosen by individuals with a receding or weak chin, where the lower part of the face appears underdeveloped. On the other hand, chin reduction is performed to reduce the size of an overly prominent chin, often involving the removal or reshaping of bone.


How is it performed?

The procedure for mentoplasty varies depending on whether it is an augmentation or reduction. For chin augmentation, a small incision is made either inside the mouth or beneath the chin to place an implant made of silicone or another biocompatible material.


The implant is carefully positioned to create a natural-looking chin enhancement. In cases where bone is repositioned, the surgeon may move a section of the chin forward to increase its projection, securing it with plates or screws.


For chin reduction, the process involves carefully removing or reshaping bone to create a more balanced appearance. The surgeon may make an incision inside the mouth to access the chin bone, avoiding external scars. Once the desired shape is achieved, the incision is closed, and the healing process begins.


Recovery and results

Post-operative care is crucial in mentoplasty. Swelling and bruising are common, but these typically subside within a few weeks. Patients are advised to follow a soft diet and avoid strenuous activities during the initial recovery period. The final results of mentoplasty can take a few months to fully manifest as swelling diminishes and the chin settles into its new shape.

Por Ms Lisa Greaney
Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial

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