What is thyroiditis?

Escrito por: Mr James Kirkby-Bott
Publicado: | Actualizado: 20/01/2022
Editado por: Lisa Heffernan

The thyroid is the butterfly-shaped gland in your neck that produces hormones to control your body’s growth and metabolism.

Thyroiditis is inflammation of the thyroid gland. Mr James Kirkby-Bott talks about why the thyroid becomes inflamed and what can be done to treat the inflammation.

What are the symptoms of an inflamed thyroid?

  • Discomfort in the neck
  • Voice changes; it may feel as if you’ve lost your voice
  • Difficulty or discomfort swallowing; it might feel that there’s something stuck in your neck or throat

Symptoms can also be more widespread such as:

  • Tiredness
  • Restlessness
  • Aches and pains
  • A feeling of being unwell

Thyroiditis can also cause abnormal thyroid functioning whereby either too much or too little thyroid hormone is produced, causing under-activity or overactivity of the thyroid.

An underactive (hypothyroid) thyroid causes lethargy, skin changes, hair loss, reduced appetite, constipation, and depression and mood changes.

An overactive thyroid can cause lethargy or overactivity (that causes lethargy), increased appetite, increased bowel opening, palpitations and anxiety.


Why would my thyroid be inflamed?

Inflammation of the thyroid usually occurs from either a short-lived viral illness or more commonly as part of an autoimmune condition such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or even Grave’s disease.


How long does an inflamed thyroid last?

A short-lived viral illness could last a few weeks, whereas an autoimmune condition is more likely to be lifelong, though any symptoms may disappear after a period of several months.

Usually, the inflammation increases the blood supply to the gland and this can cause an overactive gland - hyperthyroidism. As the inflammation continues, the gland will stop working as well as normal and become underactive or hypothyroid. After years the gland itself can almost become undetectable as it destroys itself.


How do you treat an inflamed thyroid/thyroiditis?

Thyroiditis can be detected with a blood test to measure the presence and amount of an antibody against the thyroid called thyroid peroxidase. Thyroiditis should not be treated with surgery, but occasionally a thyroid that does need surgery can be a bit inflamed. Grave’s disease can be the cause of the inflammation and often surgery is recommended for Grave’s disease, but inflammation makes surgery very difficult and increases the risk of complications. Knowing if a thyroid gland is inflamed or how inflamed it might be can help inform decision-making in thyroid disease.

Usually, thyroiditis is treated symptomatically and when the gland becomes underactive the thyroid function will need replacing with thyroid hormone (levothyroxine). It can take some time to get the dose correct and the dose may increase as the gland becomes more damaged by the inflammatory process.

If you have any more questions about thyroiditis or you feel that you may have this condition, book a consultation with endocrine and general surgeon Mr James Kirkby-Bott.

Mr James Kirkby-Bott

Por Mr James Kirkby-Bott
Cirugía general

James Kirkby-Bott es cirujano general consultor con sede en Southampton . Se especializa en cirugía endocrina y es experto en el tratamiento de enfermedades endocrinas, hernias y problemas de vesícula biliar . También creó una de las principales unidades de cirugía y trauma agudo del Reino Unido en Southampton.

James Kirkby-Bott puede ser visto en privado en el Hospital Nuffield Wessex y en el Hospital Universitario Spire Southampton en varios días .

Kirkby-Bott se graduó en la Facultad de Medicina de San Jorge y se formó como cirujano endocrino en el Hospital Hammersmith de Londres, y fue becario endocrino internacional en Lille, Francia, donde pasó 12 meses realizando investigaciones y operando junto a especialistas líderes. Cuando se le otorgó su Beca de la Junta Europea de Cirugía en Cirugía Endocrina, fue uno de los cuatro cirujanos en el Reino Unido que recibió este premio. Kirkby-Bott fundó la Wesndo Endocrine Society, una organización benéfica que brinda capacitación y educación centrada en el paciente en endocrinología quirúrgica en todo Wessex.

Kirkby-Bott es miembro de Q y especialista en Mejora de la calidad (QI) y ha participado en numerosos proyectos de QI y líder regional para la colaboración de emergencia de laparotomía (2015-2017) y la red de cirugía de emergencia de Wessex (2017-presente). Actualmente está consultando para el proyecto de laparotomía de emergencia de Academic Health Science Networks. En 2018 fue nombrado para un puesto superior en el Hospital Universitario de Southampton como codirector de resultados clínicos.

Otros premios a su nombre incluyen la medalla del Premio Norman Tanner, otorgada por la Royal Society of Medicine en 2008 y el premio Braun Aesclepius en cirugía endocrina otorgado en 2011. El Sr. Kirkby-Bott está igualmente comprometido con su investigación y tiene varios artículos científicos sobre el papel. de vitamina D en la cirugía paratiroidea, así como varios capítulos de libros y el primer libro de texto dedicado a la enfermedad paratiroidea, a su nombre.

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